How To Make Your Own Luck

You might think it takes luck for a group of people to write a script, rehearse it and perform it all within 24 hours — at least, if it’s going to be any good. But it turns out that, like most anything in life, the passive idea of luck is generally the least important factor of all (except for those times when it’s not).

Ferns unfurling at Prout's Neck, Maine. Photo by Amanda Painter. View a chart here showing the Sun at the Taurus midpoint making favorable aspects to Jupiter, Chiron and Pisces.
Ferns unfurling at Prout’s Neck, Maine. Photo by Amanda Painter. View a chart here showing the Sun at the Taurus midpoint making favorable aspects to Jupiter, Chiron and Pisces.

What matters is actually a handful of elements represented by today’s Beltane astrology as the Sun occupies the midpoint of Taurus; and which, therefore, you too can embody to make your own luck.

In a 24-hour theater festival, several teams each made up of a writer, a director and 3-5 actors have a night and day to write, rehearse and bring to full life a short play that includes three required elements common to all the teams (a setting, a prop and a line of dialogue). In the vast majority of cases, it matters less that your team get ‘the perfect script’ or have ‘the best actors’, or that the director have a magic wand.

What matters is that you (whatever role you play in this grand festival called life) operate from what you know is important to you (Sun in Taurus). Once you’ve identified that, persistence matters; you might not be trying to learn lines of dialogue in your life, but consider how many success stories involve multiple failed attempts and tremendous vulnerability before the person finally achieves that great thing that makes a difference.

You also need to feel your presence and tap into your knowledge — that is, be emotionally centered (Jupiter in Cancer). It’s called ‘stage presence’ for a reason in theater; we rarely hear anyone talk about ‘life presence’, yet it’s essentially the same thing. Acting isn’t about ‘faking it’, it’s about ‘living it’ in that moment — and life is just a series of moments.

Successful writers will tell you that writing is less about ‘inspiration’ and far more about using regularity and commitment to focus your creativity — which is, at its root, your erotic nature (Chiron in Pisces). Anyone who writes a play in a handful of hours does not usually do so because they were suddenly struck by a bolt of creativity while staring out the window (though this happens). They can do it because they are in the habit of channeling their creative spark, even on days when it looks like it might not go anywhere. But you don’t have to be ‘a writer’ or ‘an artist’ to practice focusing that energy.

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