Sun square Nessus and Pallas: Step out of the loop

Yesterday’s first quarter Moon may very well have brought to your emotional awareness a certain inner tension that your consciousness (represented by the Sun) will continue to work through over the next couple days. The main players are the Sun, newly in Gemini, making a T-square with centaur object Nessus in Pisces and asteroid Pallas in Virgo (exact today).

Are you strategizing your creative expression or stuck in an outdated defense mechanism? Pallas Athena, by Franz von Stuck (1863-1928); held in The Bridgeman Art Library.
Are you strategizing your creative expression or stuck in an outdated defense mechanism? Pallas Athena, by Franz von Stuck (1863-1928); held in The Bridgeman Art Library.

One of the hallmarks of the Sun in Gemini is the need to recognize duality, but to do so in a way that gives you an inroad to synthesizing opposing concepts. Without that sense of synthesis, it can be easy to slip into compartmentalization, or into a sense of being divided against oneself in a way that leads to confusion (and often negative thought loops that ping-pong from one extreme to another and back again). It’s hard to make progress if you can’t identify what you really want, or how you really feel, or what would truly be best for you.

The Gemini Sun squaring Nessus in Pisces is a picture of the inner tension generated when early caregivers transgress the boundary between themselves and ourselves by projecting their own negativity about creative expression onto us. Chances are, anyone doing so was similarly transgressed against and is unconsciously (usually) passing along their own hurt to us.

In part the link to early caregivers comes through Gemini’s symbol being twin youths; it is emphasized by the connection Nessus has to abusive or potentially inappropriate contact as an intergenerational pattern. Often Nessus is linked to sexual themes, but sexual energy and creative energy share the same root. In Pisces, that connection is even more vibrant.

Nessus also carries the theme of ‘stopping the buck’; the question is, how?

That brings us to Pallas in Virgo, which is opposite Nessus and also square the Sun. In mythology, the goddess Pallas Athene was a warrior, strategist and politician. In Virgo, those themes can take on a practical, grounded, precise quality — yet depending on the stimulus, the energy of Pallas can also take the shape of defensiveness in the form of being hypercritical.

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