Saturn-Juno-Psyche: sexual projection, control and insecurity

There are several major events holding the astrological spotlight right now, most of which are exact today/Wednesday or Thursday. But what has caught my attention this week is an aspect pattern featuring Saturn and a couple of asteroids — in part because it seems to speak both to people’s individual personal lives as well as a prominent cultural conversation right now.

Simplified sky snapshot for today, clockwise from top: Saturn in Scorpio; Mercury in the last degree of Gemini; Sun and Moon just past today's New Moon; Juno in Taurus (opposite Saturn); Venus in the last degree of Aries; Neptune (square the Sun and Moon). Psyche, not shown, would be in the upper-left quadrant. View glyph key here.
Simplified sky snapshot for today, clockwise from top: Saturn in Scorpio; Mercury in the last degree of Gemini; Sun and Moon just past today’s New Moon; Juno in Taurus (opposite Saturn); Venus in the last degree of Aries; Neptune (square the Sun and Moon). Psyche, not shown, would be in the upper-left quadrant. View glyph key here.

Saturn is currently in mid-Scorpio. Between Monday and Thursday, it’s involved in a T-square with Juno in Taurus and Psyche in Aquarius. That is, Saturn and Juno are opposed to each other, and both are making squares (90-degree angles) to Psyche.

Saturn is associated (among other things) with issues of authority, structure, responsibility, containers — and changing those things. Juno, in addition to having a social justice theme, also tends to represent spousal issues, jealousy, and the difficulty one may encounter in stating one’s desires/needs and getting them met.

Shared themes of Scorpio and Taurus, which are opposite signs (and also ‘fixed’ signs), include sex, sensuality, relationships, passion and possessiveness.

Put all that together, and Saturn-Juno in those signs suggests that a lot of people right now might be working through issues in their personal relationships that center on the possessiveness/jealousy/control/authority matrix. One way this could manifest is as a question: If one way you identify is as a ‘relationship partner’, how do you step into your authority over yourself without putting limits on the other person or dictating to them?

Relationships are fertile ground for projection; it’s amazing how easily we can slip from, ‘I am striving to grow spiritually and wish to share my journey with you’, into ‘I need to see that you are following my path of growth just like I am in order to feel whole’. And oppositions are the aspect in astrology that illustrates that kind of relational projection. The planets are speaking about an internal dynamic, but we often can see it playing out between ourselves and another person.

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