Sun opposite Great Attractor: An experiment in observation

Few critters are as polarizing as spiders, although the babies in this two-day "spider nursery" on my car's front bumper were adorable with the little black racing stripe on their abdomens -- as long as they stayed on the outside of my car. Photo by Amanda Painter.
Few critters are as polarizing as spiders, although the babies in this two-day “spider nursery” on my car’s front bumper were adorable to observe — as long as they stayed on the outside of my car… Photo by Amanda Painter.

On our way to Mercury stationing retrograde Saturday, the Gemini Sun today exactly opposes the Great Attractor, a deep-space point located in the direction of mid-Sagittarius. Of the Great Attractor’s qualities, one of the most salient is its ability to polarize — whether it’s a discussion that gets polarized, or the emotions of others toward a person with this point prominent in their natal chart.

Yet at the same time, the Great Attractor can also “bless one with the ability not to be touched despite that polarization,” as Eric has put it, adding that “when the Great Attractor is present in the equation, events in one place can ripple out in ways that someone at the point of origin cannot see.”

So when the Sun lines up with the Great Attractor from the other side of planet Earth, we get an experiment in observing these phenomena.

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