Pisces Moon/Aries Moon — and Aquarius Sun, here we come

The Moon is currently in Pisces as of this writing — a visionary, sensitive, creative, romantic placement generally. If you are in a time zone that lends itself to being awake while the Moon travels the last few degrees of this sign, take advantage of this extra boost to your creativity; the Moon is making a favorable aspect to a Mercury-Sun conjunction in Capricorn that is offering to help you ground your visions in structured plans you can convey to the world.

Simplified chart section showing the Moon’s ingress of Aries today, nearly conjunct Uranus (blue ‘H’). The Sun and Mercury (green glyph with horns) are almost exactly conjunct in Capricorn. Venus (blue ‘female’ symbol), Pluto (red golf tee) and Juno (purple asterisk) are in a tight three-way in Capricorn as well.

The thing is, the Moon’s aspect to Mercury and the Sun is a sextile — water to earth — which means the translation from inner dream to interpersonal communication won’t happen by itself. You actually have to take the rudder, steer the boat to land, and disembark to make contact with others.

If you were asleep while the Moon finished moving though Pisces, did you write down your dreams when you awoke? The Mercury-Sun conjunction is not exact until Friday at 3:56 am EST (we’ll likely cover it again), so its quick-witted qualities and assistance in teaching and communicating will be building until then. So, too, might a sense that something is too close to your face to see it (or more likely, see someone else’s feelings about it). There’s still a little more perspective on offer today.

Once Mercury and the Sun finish their conjunction, the Sun sets sail straight for Aquarius (which is not technically a water sign — it’s air — but its glyph is a pair of waves). The Sun enters Aquarius just before 4:52 pm EST on Saturday, Jan. 19. Aquarius is fixed air, coming at the middle of the season, ‘fixing’ it in place in a way. In the northern hemisphere, this means what Isabel Hickey calls the “clear crystal electric air of winter.”

We’ll be covering the Sun’s ingress of Aquarius in greater depth soon as well. I have to make a confession: Aquarius remains the sign I have the hardest time ‘getting’, both intellectually, on paper, and emotionally, in person. That said, there is something about the tandem work of Uranus (the modern ruler of Aquarius, which works to break up old forms) and Saturn (the traditional ruler, which crystallizes and establishes the new forms) that appeals to me.

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