This week’s astrology

Here is a brief overview of some of the sky’s movements this week, as an adjunct to Eric’s Daily Astrology article. To begin with, the newly waning Moon entered Virgo Monday night.

Simplified chart section showing Sun in Aquarius square Saturn (gold squiggle) in Scorpio. Mars (red ‘male’ symbol) in late Aquarius and Venus (blue ‘female’ symbol) in late Capricorn are both about to change signs. Mercury (green glyph) is also in Aquarius, aspecting many minor planets and approaching a conjunction to Nessus (aqua glyph).

This is a signal to watch out for overly self-critical thoughts as you work through the material that has been brought into consciousness by the Mars-Nessus conjunction over the weekend.

If you can keep your mental plane flexible (Virgo is a mutable sign, after all) and save the nit-picky, detail-oriented urges for reorganizing your workspace — or your literal bedroom closet — you may find yourself better able to release the emotional stuff that has been cluttering your metaphorical bedroom closet.

Wednesday the Aquarius Sun forms a square to Saturn in Scorpio. Sun square Saturn can be marked by a kind of ego-centered selfishness and negativity toward the world, but here we have the Sun, representing the ego part of that equation, in the sign of groups. Saturn, representing the structures and limitations of the world, is in a sign that’s about deeply personal exchange and transformation.

If you are currently excavating deeply taboo information about yourself (in the realm of sex, in particular), are you finding that you have built structures to contain it that might be ready to change shape or dissolve? And are those structures, and the parts of yourself contained within them, at odds with how you define yourself within society? The Sun square Saturn generally asks us to take action by releasing the overemphasis on self. What happens if you start to see your story in terms of a collective release of karma needed by the world right now (for example)?

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