Creative Warrior Spirit Rising: Mercury-Mars-Chiron in Pisces

Mercury, Mars and Chiron are currently in a three-way conjunction in Pisces. Mercury-Chiron was exact on Sunday; Mars-Chiron is exact at 11:52 am EST Tuesday. Put all three together, as they are right now, and you get a message (Mercury) about the creative (Pisces) Warrior Spirit (Mars-Chiron).

Simplified chart section showing Mars (red ‘male’ symbol) exactly conjunct Chiron (orange key) in Pisces with Mercury (green glyph). Neptune (blue trident) is in early Pisces, the Moon in late Pisces.

To put it in question format, aren’t you tired of being afraid to stand out for who you are? Aren’t you tired of letting your fears run your life — creatively, sexually, spiritually, mentally? Aren’t you done hesitating on whatever it is you have been putting off — you know, that thing that captures your imagination and passion when you let it?

So many people are carrying this fear of living their creative potential, sexual truth or spiritual mission. The sense you may have that you can’t actually write what you love to write (or paint, or perform) and earn a living, or that a ‘real job’ can’t possibly be the thing that makes you happy, is a lie that was laid on you at an early age. It happened before you could see fully the difference between you and your mother or father, and that makes it hard to see for what it is.

If the ‘frustrated artist’ metaphor doesn’t sound like what’s pushing into your consciousness at this time, what does that thing feel like to you?

Chiron is a centaur planet that calls our attention to wounds (psychological or physical) so we can recognize them, and understand how old they are, how deep they go and how they stand in our way. Then we can see how to resolve the old pain, release it, and grow in some way.

Mercury is taking advantage of Chiron’s focusing power to distill the message and direct it to our minds, where we can understand it clearly. Mars is stepping up to the plate like a baseball coach waving us home and shouting encouragement. The way is clear and the timing is right, but it’s still up to us to actually run the bases.

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