Second thoughts on One Billion Rising, The V-Day Foundation

Every once in a while something that seems to illustrate the current astrology perfectly gets written about on Planet Waves, and then a little more information about it comes to light or a better example surfaces, or both. Such is the case with the One Billion Rising example I used in today’s Daily Astrology post below. It has some problems.

The pro-sex Betty Dodson, one critic of Eve Ensler’s anti-male, anti-sex message. Photo by Eric Francis.

The idea of one billion women (and men) dancing around the world all at once is still a fantastic image of collectively raising the vibration. But Eve Ensler and her V-Day foundation are problematic, and in a sense, what they’ve come to be about runs counter to the astrology’s message to ‘stand out’.

For one, check out the Wiki page about feminist criticism of The Vagina Monologues, which includes this passage:

The Vagina Monologues has been criticized by a number of people in the pro-sex feminist, gender egalitarian, and individualist feminist movements. Harriet Lerner, renowned in the field of women’s psychology, points out the “psychic genital mutilation” embedded in the play’s title, which ignores the clitoris and labia, and should more accurately be called “The Vulva Monologues.” Pro-sex feminist Betty Dodson, author of several books about female sexuality, saw the play as having a negative and restrictive view of sexuality and an anti-male bias. She called the play “a blast of hatred at men and heterosexuality.” Individualist feminist Wendy McElroy agreed, stating that the play “equates men with ‘the enemy’ and heterosexual love with violence.”

In other words, The Vagina Monologues and the V-Day Foundation that was built on its success essentially perpetuate violence despite claiming to be against violence. They do so in part by putting forth a viewpoint that ‘men are violent’ while ignoring male victims of sexual violence (consider the abuses by the Catholic Church prompting Pope Benedict XVI’s resignation announced today, or the circumcision of baby boys). And unfortunately, The V-Day Foundation is becoming a form of corporate exploitation of violence under the guise of an anti-violence message, according to some critics.

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