Sun’s ingress of Pisces: Take action, get creative

Just a few days after the Sun’s conjunction to Nessus today, it will be leaving Aquarius for Pisces on Monday, Feb. 18, at 7:01 am EST. When the Sun arrives in a new sign, it can kind of feel like a shift in the wind’s direction, or like changing the station on your inner radio: there’s still music, but in a different style. In this case, we’ll be shifting from all the recent inner-shadow focus toward a more external creative focus.

With Monday’s sign change by the Sun we unfreeze the ‘fixed water’ of the air sign Aquarius and get busy splashing around in Pisces. Photo by Amanda Painter.

One of the hallmarks of Pisces is a very rich, fertile inner life. But that also translates into expression in the wider world. This year, the Sun will be getting an unusual amount of help in translating the intuitive, passionate, visionary energy of Pisces in concrete, tangible ways. There are several planets in Pisces right now: Neptune, Chiron, Mars and Mercury (plus several minor planets and asteroids). All of these planets are working to express Pisces themes through the respective facets of our lives that they represent.

Between all those planets in Pisces, plus the several aspects the Sun will be making to planets in other signs as it travels through, there is a clear message: put your energy where your mouth is. Or more simply: take action. Taking action, however, requires a certain amount of faith in yourself.

Not only does Pisces represent creativity and passion, but it also represents faith. We’re not talking about religion per se, but rather an innate faith — the kind our souls carry as we incarnate on Earth. That is, the kind that can get warped, squashed, masked over or forgotten about as kids, before we even have a chance to realize it’s there in the first place.

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