Venus-Neptune, Sun-Chiron: idealism and practicality

In the midst of having six very influential bodies in Pisces (five that rules signs, plus Chiron), you may be feeling creatively charged up; you may be feeling in love with love; you may be feeling slightly adrift, or as though every idea you try to put your finger on slips off to the periphery; perhaps sex has taken on a new dimension. Whatever it is, chances are you’re sensing things richly — even if it’s through subtler channels, like your dreams at night.

Look at all that Pisces! Venus (blue ‘female’ symbol) is exactly conjunct Neptune (blue trident); Sun (yellow circle) is just past its conjunction to Chiron (orange key). Mars and retrograde Mercury are the other Pisces planets; Saturn in Scorpio and Pluto in Capricorn are in aspect to the Sun. See glyph key here.

At the heart of all this swirling Pisces mojo this week, Venus and the Sun are making the most energized aspects.

Venus conjoins Neptune today (Thursday) at 8:37 am EST — though Neptune casts a wide net with its influence, so we’ve been feeling this for a few days.

Venus conjunct Neptune can be very artistically inspirational, with a gentle dreaminess added to attractions between people. Not only is there a sweetness in the air, but at its best, the Venus-Neptune combination boosts personal love to the level of universal love and divine compassion. It’s the selfless urge to do everything you can for the benefit of your loved ones (and the world).

At this aspect’s worst, Venus falls prey to Neptune’s diffusive, delusional powers. Making the ideal out of the real is how great music and art are made; attempting the same in an intimate relationship can be confusing. That is often when we set expectations of a loved one or relationship situation too high and end up disillusioned — or worse, feeling betrayed despite our own insistence on rose-colored glasses.

So the question becomes, how do we discern when we’re engaging in selfless, spiritually heightened love, versus when we’re refusing to see some other reality? How can we work this enhanced creative atmosphere constructively?

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