Mercury conjunct Venus in Pisces: express yourself, intimately

There simply is not a day that is not interesting as long as we have so many planets in Pisces. Eric touched on the Venus-Chiron conjunction, which is exact today, in yesterday’s Daily Astrology. Wednesday, Venus and retrograde Mercury make a conjunction in Pisces (exact 11:54 pm EST). Overall, this week is looking very good for self-discovery and intimate communication (and communion).

Simplified chart section showing Venus (blue ‘female’ symbol) conjunct retrograde Mercury (green glyph with horns) in Pisces. Also shown are Saturn (gold squiggle) making a trine to that conjunction and Pluto (red golf tee) making a sextile (note the number 11 next to each), and the rest of the Pisces planets. See full glyph key here.

We tend to think of Mercury retrogrades as being phases when anything that can go wrong will. But that is often a result of our own failures to slow down and pay attention to what we are doing and saying — and before that, to what we are thinking.

All Mercury retrogrades provide opportunity for review and self-discovery; this one in Pisces just provides an especially amenable environment for doing so. And it also offers a more palpable sense of being able to re-create ourselves and our environment along the way. In particular, this week of the retrograde is graced by Venus making those conjunctions to Chiron and Mercury.

If Venus-Chiron (especially in Pisces) is, as Eric has suggested, about biophilia and a deepening connection to nature, to our own awareness and even to each other through love and sex, then Mercury-Venus in Pisces looks like the ability to consciously refine and express those connections.

Retrograde Mercury conjunct Venus may be the perfect follow-up to Venus-Chiron. Mercury-Venus lends a refined and artistic mind, according to Isabel Hickey, along with optimism and charm. This looks like an opening for the making of truly elegant art, music or writing, if you work in any of those mediums, and the results may be deeply personal and yet evocative to others. Track whether your insights into yourself are deeper than usual, or if they come through with more nuance.

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