Mars in Aries, Sun square Pholus: Watch the small triggers

We’ve been living under a very watery sky for a few weeks now, but today the elements begin shifting with Mars ingressing Aries — a fiery planet in the fiery sign it rules. (The ingress occurred at 2:26 am EDT.) There is some other fire in the sky today. The question is, does this feel like energies are beginning to balance, or does it feel more like pressure to you — like steam starting to build and needing an outlet?

Astrological firewater: planets in Pisces and Aries at the Moon’s conjunction with Mars (red ‘male’ symbol) on in the first degree of Aries. The Pisces Sun (yellow circle) is square Pholus (green flag) in Sagittarius, and Pallas (blue diamond) is conjunct Eris (red arrow pointing down). See glyph key here for other planets shown.

Mars in Aries can be assertive (even aggressive), physical and confident. But with the Sun — representative of our will and ego — still in Pisces, there is a caution against getting ahead of ourselves. This could also shift any question of confidence you’ve been experiencing, including becoming a crisis of confidence. Whatever is going on for you in that realm may be more pronounced, so track it carefully.

That awareness is especially important since the Pisces Sun is square Pholus in Sagittarius today. Pholus is one of the centaur planets, which in mythology were part civilized human, part wild beast. Pholus is associated with small causes having big effects, runaway reactions, and the way that alcohol can exacerbate such things in social situations.

When the emotional, sensitive, expressive Pisces Sun squares Pholus in Sagittarius, there’s a caution to stay aware of the possibility for one’s will or ego to run unchecked; getting drawn into self-righteousness; and a potential inability to see oneself as the cause of one’s own difficulties, tension, challenges or arguments. Emotional control may be a real issue today, as is the need to keep an eye out for small triggers. Sometimes it’s the little things that get you, and this could be one of those times.

That is, watch for seemingly small triggers in yourself but also remember that everyone around you is experiencing this astrology, too. Of course, you can’t control anyone’s reactions but your own, but today may be a day to head anything off at the pass that you can. This isn’t about making yourself smaller or being inauthentic, just remembering that sometimes timing is everything, so pay attention to yours today, choose your moments consciously, and understand that not everyone you encounter will be acting with the same awareness.

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