Mercury storm and some ‘catch and release’ from Pisces

We’re entering the Mercury ‘storm’ phase now, the two or three days on either side of Mercury’s station direct at 4:03 pm on Sunday, March 17. We’re also in the midst of the squares being made by the Sun and Venus to a host of minor planets in Sagittarius and Gemini. In other words, the sky is shifting quickly, but in ways that might make your mind feel a little slow and your emotions especially changeable.

Photo by Amanda Painter.
Mercury storms are kind of like snowstorms, right? Well, no, but hopefully this storm from a couple weeks ago was the last major one of the season, since spring officially begins in six days. Photo by Amanda Painter.

Sometimes the Mercury storm days can be even more challenging and wiggy than the actual station when it comes to communication difficulties, electronics acting up and travel snafus. Remind yourself to take things slowly, anticipate delays and allow the creativity of Pisces to suggest work-arounds as needed.

Mercury is closing in on a near-miss conjunction with Neptune when it stations. Along with Mercury’s slower apparent speed in the days around the station, it’s that proximity of Neptune that could equal some mental difficulty, since Neptune tends to diffuse whatever other planetary energy it encounters. The difference between when you’re using logic and when you’re working with illusions could get a little fuzzy.

At the same time, that may point to leaning on your intuition a little more than usual through the weekend — and the continued presence of three other major planets in Pisces (the Sun, Venus and Chiron) lends assistance there. In fact, Mercury is currently about halfway between Chiron and Neptune, and will pass by Chiron a couple of weeks after its near miss with Neptune. Both intuitions and illusions encountered over the next several days will likely point to something deep you need to address, and you’ll get the opportunity to do so by the end of the month.

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