The Electric Sun — and Your Key to Planet Waves

Dear Friend and Reader:

There are many reasons to visit Planet Waves, and this week showed us one of the best: a really powerful Full Moon involving both ‘personal’ planets (Venus and Mars in addition to the Sun and Moon) and ‘generational’ planets (Uranus and, more loosely, Pluto). Now it’s being followed today by a truly spectacular triple conjunction in Aries, which we’ll come back to in a moment.

The Sun against the Portara, a remnant of the unfinished Temple of Apollo on the Isle of Naxos, Greece. Photo by Anthony Ayiomamitis.

This is the kind of deep, charged astrology the Planet Waves writing team thrives on — evidenced by no fewer than three blog posts about yesterday’s Libra Full Moon by three different writers, plus Eric’s podcast. But that’s only the tip of the iceberg.

If you’ve never tried a paid Planet Waves membership, you might not realize just how much more there is for you to discover — and benefit from. Eric built Planet Waves on his unique flavor of horoscope.

They’re not predictive, but rather designed to help you ‘self-create’ by offering new perspectives, angles and avenues from which to consider your experience, and live the story of your present moment in this wild world.

It’s kind of like being handed the key to a door you never knew existed, and then opening it to find a room that leads to other rooms, each one more like ‘home’ than the last. And each of those rooms is you.

Even that experience of self-discovery from tuning in to Eric’s horoscopes is not the whole iceberg. Each week a team of writers, editors and designers put together two issues of what might very well be the most professionally produced publication on astrology and culture available via the Internet. Eric crafts a book-worthy lead article for each Friday issue, and he’s supported by me and another writer/editor in putting together several other sections of each issue.

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