The last quarter Moon and Pluto to move you along

In yesterday’s Daily Astrology post, I focused on two squares, all of which have their respective planets occupying 11+ degrees of their signs. The sense I got was that it’s time to clear some ground — and some unneeded beliefs — this week. Today continues the theme in its own way, and it’s worth noting that there are a few other planets in that general vicinity of their respective signs. The broader message is to look at this present moment and know you’re looking at something unusual, something special.

Here are a selection of major planets in the general vicinity of 11 degrees when the Moon occults Pluto (red golf tee) in Capricorn: Saturn (gold squiggle), Chiron (orange key) in Pisces, Uranus (blue ‘H’) and the Sun in Aries, and Jupiter (orange ‘4’) in Gemini.

On the most palpable, easily understood level, we’re coming up on the last quarter Moon. This is the halfway mark between the amazing Libra Full Moon of last week and the following Aries New Moon next week.

The waning Moon enters Capricorn at 1:35 am EDT this morning (Tuesday). Almost 24 hours after doing so, it makes a square to the Aries Sun (the quarter Moon). Just like squares between other planets, a Moon-Sun square urges action. This means moving forward whatever projects began around March 11 (the last New Moon), or that picked up steam with the Full Moon.

In the context of this week’s Sun-Pluto square (tilling the earth, moving away the boulder) and the Jupiter-Chiron square (allowing negative, limiting beliefs to be released and asking for help in establishing productive, expansive ones) this is good news. If the work was feeling overwhelming yesterday, or as though everything was falling apart, perhaps you can feel the quarter Moon as a wave you can ride as it crests (exact just after 12:36 am EDT Wednesday morning).

Between now and the last quarter Moon, the Moon participates in an eclipse-like event. It’s one that has become so regular, we slacked off on reporting it every month: a Moon-Pluto occultation. This is when the Moon passes exactly in front of Pluto (from our perspective here on Earth) as they make a conjunction.

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