After the Aries Moon: adjustment and negotiation

Well, how was that Aries New Moon for you? Globally, we’ve witnessed an earthquake in Iran near a nuclear facility, the death of Margaret Thatcher and heightening tensions with North Korea. On a more personal scope, relationship tension seems to have been the week’s theme, with some people waking up from a deep ‘lost in my partner’ sleep to find themselves again — and others taking their song of “I, I, Me, Me, Mine” to narcissistic extremes. Aries, the sign of ‘I am’, is still full of planets, but over the next week we’ll feel some subtler influences, too.

It’s hard to find yourself in the world if you’re lost in another; it’s hard to see another if you only look at yourself. Photo by Amanda Painter.

The main aspect in the current astrology (and for the near future) is a quincunx — a 150-degree connection between Saturn retrograde in Scorpio, and Uranus in Aries. Sometimes quincunxes get lost in the shuffle when ‘bigger’ astrology is afoot. When they do get our attention, they can feel a little like an opposition: a sense of polarity asking us to negotiate either end individually. But a quincunx also has a sense of continual adjustment that can feel uncomfortable — like when you can’t quite get the car seat adjusted right.

Eric wrote of this Saturn-Uranus quincunx recently:

“In the context of what we’ve been living through, this is actually useful and timely. Uranus in Aries is a long burst of self-awareness, though it can get distracted by glitz and glam. You can derail your spiritual path by getting caught up in what a bright, shiny object you are, or what a deep and spiritual object you are.

“The quincunx to Saturn in Scorpio is like leverage that is pushing the boundaries of agreements. Saturn in Scorpio may be desperately trying to cling to the frozen emotional patterns that many people stomp around in proudly, like ice queens and kings. Those in Saturn mode need the heat of those in Uranus mode.”

People in Uranus mode, that is — self-aware revolution — need to understand when they are dealing with someone in Saturn mode. Say you’re drawn toward greater self-awareness, but you’re involved with someone who isn’t interested in loosening their habitual emotional reactions and insists you conform or tamp down your fire. You have a choice.

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