The Politics of Love: ‘Fighting’ Fairly

Yesterday Eric mentioned the concept of “the politics of love.” It’s a primary theme for a number of reasons this week, including a Scorpio Full Moon and partial eclipse on Thursday; the Scorpio/Taurus axis and several planets currently along it are getting our attention with issues of value(s), sex and possessiveness. Today, the Moon ingresses Libra; when it does, it may trigger an awareness of what it means to ‘fight fairly’ in love (clue: it involves finding a way to replace ‘fight’ in that phrase).

Simplified chart showing the Libra Moon just past its opposition to Uranus (blue ‘H’) and square Pluto (red golf tee) in Capricorn. Mercury (green glyph with horns) in Aries is exactly sextile Jupiter (orange ‘4’) in Gemini. Venus (blue ‘female’ symbol) is trine Pluto. Glyph key here.

Libra is the sign of relationships and balance; the Moon represents our emotional body. The Moon in Libra tends to want to please others and wants to encounter pleasing things. It strives for a sense of equilibrium and equanimity.

But tonight, the Libra Moon will oppose Uranus in Aries and square Pluto in Capricorn (exact 8:37 and 11:23 pm EDT, respectively) — as happens every month when the Moon ingresses Libra, for as long as Uranus and Pluto are doing their ‘square dance’. This is uncomfortable for the Moon, and therefore might be for us.

The Moon opposite Uranus tends to be strong-willed, emotionally unpredictable and potentially rebellious. The Moon square Pluto can have a kind of “lone wolf” feel (as described by Isabel Hickey), or a less intentional sense of isolation. One thing I see in this setup is the potential for emotional reactions in relationships to get a little headstrong or erratic. For some, this might just feel like relationship ‘spice’, giving them a chance to assert themselves in their individuality. For others, there may be a temptation to storm off and close themselves off to a partner.

Ideally, we realize quickly that fighting or storming off doesn’t get us anywhere and just burns up energy that could be put to more creative use. Yes, sometimes we need to give ourselves a ‘time out’ and do some deep breathing. Sometimes we need to let someone do their own thing — whether it be yoga, going for a long run, thinking silently or shouting at the sea — before they are in a place where true discussion can occur.

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