Mercury square Neptune, first quarter Moon… and Jello

Are you noticing difficulties concentrating? Kind of fuzzy headed? Dreaming about all sorts of things besides the actual, on-the-ground tasks you need to accomplish? You might not be, but if you are, chalk it up to Mercury, newly in Gemini, making a square to Neptune in Pisces (exact Saturday at 3:19 am EDT).

Simplified chart for Mercury (green glyph with horns) in Gemini square Neptune (blue trident) in Pisces. About three hours earlier, the Sun in Taurus squares the Moon in Leo and Nessus (aqua ‘N’) in Aquarius.

We’re actually in the midst of several planets making or getting ready to make squares to Neptune, since all those faster-moving personal planets that have been in Taurus are in direct motion and heading for Gemini (Venus is the other planet that has already arrived; the Sun is next, on Monday).

What this spells for most of us is a phase of time when the solid feeling we’ve enjoyed with planets in Taurus loosens up and — thanks to Neptune — gets a little slippery, squishy and dreamy before the lighter mental quickness of Gemini arrives full-force.

This is extra challenging in square format. With an aspect that emphasizes flow, you might find it easy to surrender to your imagination and creativity and just go with it. But squares ask us to take action to resolve tension. You can think of them kind of like using a lever to push against a fulcrum, thereby moving yourself past an inner obstacle.

A square to Neptune is kind of like trying to use a lever against Jello: you have to get creative and really pay attention to what you’re doing, and you have to be honest with yourself about what you’re actually trying to accomplish. Your usual type of ‘push’ might not get you anywhere.

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