Sun enters Gemini: Talked to your inner twin lately?

Yesterday at 5:09 pm EDT the Sun left Taurus and ingressed Gemini. Gemini is the first air sign of the zodiac, and the first mutable sign, coming at the end of spring. It’s as though Gemini not only starts loosening up the current season, but it also asks us to hold the ending season and the one about to begin in our consciousness simultaneously.

Simplified chart section showing the few planets left in Taurus (lunar South Node, Mars and Pallas Athene) and planets gathering in Gemini (Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Black Moon Lilith). Mars will arrive just as Mercury leaves for Cancer. View glyph key here.

Mercury rules Gemini, and its current presence here lends great mental agility (though its square to Neptune last week seemed to throw many of us for a loop).

One of the first things most people learn about Gemini is that its symbol is a pair of twins, yet the dualism those twins represent can be one of the trickiest concepts to get comfortable with.

Western culture typically wants things black and white, yes or no. Many Eastern cultures and religions seem to have an easier time with the concept of holding opposing or multiple viewpoints simultaneously. Dualism might actually be one of the most fertile facets of this sign, but making use of it can mean seeing, acknowledging and embracing sides of yourself you’ve been told don’t (or shouldn’t) exist. That can come up against resistance at first.

Sometimes getting the ball rolling means making use of Mercury’s role as Trickster to find a side door or a game; Gemini is a highly creative sign (and its natives tend to ‘be’ their creations, and vice versa). Sometimes you just need the right timing and to be emotionally/spiritually ready for the inner dialogue to flow.

Eventually, conversation is the first concrete step toward integrating ideas (internally or in talking with another) — and communication or a facility with words is another signature of Gemini. With Jupiter in this sign now, that may translate into multiple conversations, held out in the open — the open space of your full consciousness (or the open space between you and another person).

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