After the eclipses: Settling back in to somplace new

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If you’re asking yourself, whew — what was that? You’re in good company. Any set of eclipses tends to feel like inner time travel or molecular re-arrangement or stepping through the looking glass. But I think when we get a run of three that ends with a Full Moon eclipse, the sense of building tension and impending something is that much more powerful.

Simplified chart section showing (l-r): the Sun, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and Black Moon Lilith in Gemini at the moment Venus conjoins Jupiter.

Now that tension has been released, though it may have taken you the whole weekend (including yesterday, especially if you’re a U.S. reader who had the Memorial Day holiday off) to feel as though things are settling back into place. It’s rather fitting to have the ‘civil’ calendar’s beginning of summer coincide with this release of energy.

That said, are you finding that ‘settling back into place’ feels a little different somehow?

Sussing that out could take time — perhaps the next two weeks with the lunar phases, or over the next couple months as we wrap up northern hemisphere spring and begin summer. If you planted seeds Friday night or over the weekend, remember to check on them regularly (and water them — seeds need consistently moist soil in order to sprout!) during the next week or two. The ‘sprout date’ will give a marker for checking how the astrology — and your life — has shifted.

Currently, we still have a cluster of planets in Gemini: the Sun, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and Black Moon Lilith (in order of degree). That can have a very mentally active, high-strung or hectic feel to it — so don’t get concerned if you are not yet noticing a dramatic sense of relaxation just because the eclipses are over. You’re not ‘doing things wrong’; you may simply have some personal astrology talking directly to the Gemini cluster — which might feel like trying to hold two different internal conversations at once.

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