Jupiter opposite the Galactic Core: Beyond comprehension

The sensation of an opposition is often described in astrology as feeling like being pulled in two directions. Planets in opposition also mirror each other in some way. The Moon reflects the light of the Sun, for instance, mimicking it in a less bright, more-tangible way. Something like that seems to be afoot with this week’s opposition between Jupiter and the Galactic Center — though it may be more like a fun-house mirror.

View toward the center of our Milky Way galaxy, from Earth (which is way out on one of the spiral’s arms). We can’t see the actual center due to all the space dust. Photo: Serge Brunier/NASA

With both Jupiter and the GC, the energy is working on a scale that might feel overwhelming or incomprehensible. You might be faced with too many options on the one hand, and an inability to see all the way to the edges of what you’re looking at on the other.

Both are something so big and widespread, you can’t quite wrap your brain around it.

Jupiter in Gemini represents the more worldly manifestation of this, illustrated by the public’s response to the news that the NSA is collecting an unprecedented amount of phone and Internet data about everyone. How many people in your Facebook news feed are actually talking about it, passionately demanding accountability? Heck, how many people do you know who have even registered the news enough to feel fear or paranoia about their privacy?

As Eric has mentioned before on Planet Waves, there is a lesson from A Course in Miracles that says there are no private thoughts. The NSA would seem to agree, though they’ve twisted the concept. Most people, however, are not on that wavelength, and are still mighty sensitive about the idea of their sexting, email rants and hot phone conversations being common knowledge. Culturally, we are far from ‘okay’ with being known fully.

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