Taking care of home: Jupiter ingresses Cancer

A pair of green crabs on the Maine coast. These are non-native, and due to a combination of warmer water temperatures, a lack of serious cold snaps in winter and acidification of the water, they are threatening local soft-shell clam populations (and the mussels and scallops). Photo by Amanda Painter

When you think of ‘taking care of your home’, what do you think of? Vacuuming? Putting on a new roof? Cooking for the people you live with? How often do you extend the definition to include taking care of the Earth itself? After Jupiter ingresses Cancer today at 9:40 pm EDT, you may find your definition of ‘home’ and your sense of how to care for it expanding.

Another word for ‘taking care of the Earth’ is ‘stewardship’, which for some Christians — including some who are fairly far out on the fundamentalist/evangelical end of the spectrum — is a primary tenet of their Christianity.

“We think that the earth is a very cool place to live. And we think that we as Christians should take care of it,” says one environmentally focused Christian website. It continues, “We show our love for neighbors by helping to keep this place wonderful because we all live here and share it.”

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