Stirring up the waters of Cancer: Jupiter and the Sun

Jupiter is exalted in Cancer and is in the midst of making a harmonious grand water trine (lots of flow) with two other major planets. That sounds like it should be smooth sailing, but there’s some important background energy that could be manifesting as an increase in reactionary tendencies, both on the personal level and on the world stage. Plus, Jupiter is conjunct a hypothetical point that may be stirring things up.

Simplified chart section showing (l-r): Uranus in Aries, the Moon in Taurus, and planets in Cancer: Jupiter, Black Moon Lilith, the Sun, retrograde Mercury and Vesta. Hypothetical point Hades would be at 2+ Cancer. Pluto (not shown) is opposite the Sun. View glyph key here.

Currently, the Cancer Sun is in the midst of the Uranus-Pluto square, opposite Pluto and nearly square Uranus. We keep calling Uranus-Pluto ‘revolutionary’ and ‘evolutionary’.

But as Eric quipped yesterday, lately they seem more ‘reactionary’ than ‘revolutionary’: more emotional, sometimes lacking awareness or forethought, and often carrying a sense of fighting battles that seemed won long ago.

No one ever said evolution was easy, or that true revolution would be embraced by most people. If you’re feeling a little frustrated by the sense of ‘two steps forward, one step back’ these days, you’re not alone. The trick is managing to stay more focused on those two steps in the right direction without being complacent about the step backwards.

Take, for example, a recent email campaign from the Natural Resources Defense Council alerting supporters that Iceland has decided to resume hunting endangered fin whales after a two-year hiatus. The Obama administration had previously imposed diplomatic sanctions on Iceland; now NRDC is saying that Iceland is essentially flipping off the U.S. and that only economic sanctions will get their attention.

In the midst of this political and economic game of chicken, the real losers are the whales — and the oceans’ ecosystems. We’re being called to react; a response is necessary for the sake of trying to restore some balance to life on Earth. But it can be exhausting to keep revisiting the same issues over and over.

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