Mercury-Chiron and Sun-QB1: use it, and cross the threshold

Now that the building tension of last week’s Mercury station is behind us, as well as that of yesterday’s Aquarius Full Moon (heralded by the birth of the U.K.’s newest royal), we have some open waters this week, astrologically speaking. It’s not that nothing is going on, but rather that we have a few days of mostly subtler astrology — perfect for noticing what surfaces now that Mercury is in direct motion.

Mercury’s direct; time to get your rusty ol’ bus out of the tree (or sea) and pointed in the right direction. Photo by Amanda Painter.

Mercury is now traveling for the third time the same degrees of Cancer that it has just traveled twice already, once before in direct motion and then while retrograde. Whatever insights have come up for you over the last three to six weeks, this is the phase of time when things should be feeling clearer. This is when you can put your understanding into action.

Helping with this is Mercury’s trine to Chiron in Pisces. Trines are all about flow. Mercury is about your mind, thoughts and communication (and intuition when in Cancer). Chiron serves to get our attention about matters that are ripe for healing and transformation, and it rewards our documentation of this process.

In conversation with Eric he said, “The Mercury-Chiron trine is about accessing and putting to use what is available; using opportunities consciously and not assuming they will always be there. If something is available that you need or want, this is the time to use it.”

Now that Mercury is moving forward again, there’s another aspect urging our awareness outward after so much inward contemplation. The Sun, which represents Self and ‘ego-consciousness’, is making a square to the still-unnamed planet 1992 QB1. You can read more about 1992 QB1 here, but one of its basic themes is that of crossing a threshold from one phase of existence to another, as well as those who assist others with such crossings.

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