Venus opposite Neptune: Loving beyond projection

On Friday, just before 8:08 am EDT, Venus in Virgo will be exactly opposite Neptune in Pisces. Aspects to Neptune are notoriously slippery and tricky to work with; Venus aspecting Neptune tends to bring that slipperiness and some of Neptune’s more challenging qualities into the realm of love and attraction. What does it take to get a little traction with Venus and Neptune?

Poppy seed pods. Photo by Amanda Painter

Traditionally, an opposition between Venus and Neptune is described as being a caution against self-delusion and wearing rose-colored glasses. It can seem to offer a choice: satisfy your desire for personal love, or serve the higher vibration of love through sacrificing your personal interests.

It’s not very encouraging for most mere mortals.

So let’s try re-framing it. What would it take to love beyond delusion and projection?

Delusion could be defined as wanting to see things as we wish them to be, rather than as they are. What happens when we see things as they truly are?

It means that we have to admit we were wrong, and allow ourselves some grace for being human. That alone can be difficult.

In a relationship situation, allowing the other person that same grace for being human could lead to loving them more wholly for who they really are — or you could realize that it’s time to find a partner who is truly on the same page with you. You might have to find a situation that doesn’t require lots of rationalization to keep it going.

We can define projection as taking our own desires, fears, and baggage — our entire subjective experience — and assuming it is true for another person. What happens when we own all of our ‘stuff’ and allow another person to own all of their ‘stuff’? Can you stand the potential momentary jolt of feeling alone and individual, and hang with it long enough to feel a powerful clarity, or something like the two poles on a battery making a charge?

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