Leo New Moon square Psyche: A question of faith

If you read yesterday’s Oracle, which is a random selection from the horoscope archives chosen by an algorithm, you have some idea of what today’s Leo New Moon (exact at 5:51 pm EDT) is drawing your attention to. In part, there’s a question of faith in yourself, and of the difference between that faith and your beliefs about yourself. The question is being raised by the presence of the asteroid Vesta conjunct the Sun and Moon in Leo, and the asteroid Psyche in Scorpio, square those three objects.

Simplified chart section for the Leo New Moon, showing the Sun and Moon conjunct Vesta (purple chevron) in Leo. Also shown is the lunar North Node, standing in visually for Psyche, which is at 15+ Scorpio.
Simplified chart section for the Leo New Moon, showing the Sun and Moon conjunct Vesta (purple chevron) in Leo. Also shown is the lunar North Node, standing in visually for Psyche, which is at 15+ Scorpio.

Eric wrote yesterday about Vesta and the line we walk between service and sacrifice, between devotion to our inner creative flame — the flame of existence — and the many distractions from it. Among those distractions can be the beliefs we hold about ourselves; the internal monologues, instilled in childhood, that tell us something about us isn’t quite right, is broken, is ‘off’, is unlovable.

Our experiences — and our perceptions of our experiences — often reinforce these subtle messages. Sometimes the sense of being ‘too messed up to be healed’ is overt; sometimes it is subtle, coloring and carrying our reactions to our lives just below the surface of consciousness, just below the watermark of awareness.

At their worst, these messages and beliefs can become self-fulfilling prophecies, undercutting and sabotaging our choices, opportunities and relationships simply by virtue of the fact that we believe them.

This is the realm of the asteroid Psyche: those wounds to your sense of self that you are convinced cannot ever be healed, and that may not even be worthy of such a thing. It is deep territory, and murky, like a muddy riverbed: when you dive in the water, the muck prevents you from seeing the incredible life teeming in the water around you.

These waters are Scorpionic, however — meaning that not only do they hold the potential for deep transformation, but they also have a distinctly sexual tone to them.

For many people, this is going to translate into, “I am so messed up and broken sexually, I will never get better, never feel whole/functional/desirable/etc.” It might be shaded differently for you, but keep an eye out for that sort of undercurrent. With Vesta in Leo in the mix, it could be that the message is more about your creative expression than your sexuality, but the two are intimately intertwined.

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