The second Aquarius Full Moon

For today’s Aquarius Full Moon, which is exact just before 9:45 pm EDT, the Moon is conjunct the centaur planet Nessus in Aquarius. On the opposite side of the zodiac, the Sun in Leo is conjunct the asteroid Ceres. There is something in this lunation’s message about the potential for emotional patterns to get ‘fixed’ or crystallized, but there’s quite a bit going on in the chart.

Full chart for the second Aquarius Full Moon of 2013. View larger size here.
Chart for the second Aquarius Full Moon of 2013. Larger version here.

To touch on some basics first, Eric wrote of the Aquarius Moon last year:

“Aquarius Moon is famous for one thing, at least: helping. My father, who is an ardent conservative and argues the tired points he hears on FAUX News, has an Aquarius Moon and would just about help anyone any way they need. This Moon has a need to be supportive of others, or at minimum, to organize with others in a way that’s useful.

“The United States itself has this Moon, in the July 4, 1776 chart — the Sibly Chart. On that day, the signers said, ‘with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.’

“This need can be distracted, subverted or perverted (Richard Nixon is an example) though the Aquarius Moon is in the DNA of the United States. And while everyone with this placement isn’t a saint, I’ve seen that at least there is a readily accessible capacity for decency — something that’s in the air as this Full Moon reaches its peak.”

Today’s Aquarius Full Moon is conjunct Nessus, a centaur planet associated with multi-generational patterns of abuse (often sexual) — as well as the ability to ‘stop the buck’ on those patterns. You have a choice as to which part of the equation you support: pain and the repeating or calcified emotional/energetic patterns that feed its continuance; or those who are willing to stand out from the crowd to help break cycles of silent suffering (including that impulse in yourself).

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