Sun-Neptune, Venus-Uranus: Manifest your creativity

We have a pair of inner planet / outer planet oppositions in play right now — and “play” may be the operative word when it comes to manifesting their combined energies in a positive way. The aspect with perhaps the wider orb is the Virgo Sun opposite Neptune in Pisces, which is exact tomorrow. We also have Venus in Libra opposite Uranus in Aries sparking things up (exact today).

Indian pipes, also known as ghost plants. Photo by Amanda Painter.
Indian pipes, also known as ghost plants. Photo by Amanda Painter.

It can be easy to think of oppositions (such as the Full Moon) as always being about interpersonal tension and polarization. We forget sometimes that any kind of confrontation, including an opposition, is at heart an encounter or a meeting between two things.

At their best, encounters such as oppositions can flow like dances: two distinct energies (or people) come together and find points of contact, balance, give and take. They join and separate. The idea is not for one to get subsumed by the other, but for moments of unity to be counterbalanced by the individual intentions, visions, rhythms or tones of those involved. In this way, the sum of a dance can be greater than its parts, and is far more alive than a ‘lowest common denominator’ type of exact sameness or complete agreement.

The Sun in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces is like a big, extra-mystical Full Moon — one that is urging you to manifest your creativity in some real, tangible form. That’s the Virgo part of the equation: real-life experience; tangible steps; practice; the craft involved in making things. Pisces brings the inspiration and imagination, the emotional resonance and especially with Neptune involved, a slightly clairvoyant or paranormal aura. The Sun lets it all come through our normal waking consciousness.

Creative expression requires us to work both sides of the equation; there is art (Pisces) and craft (Virgo). You need to give your imagination room to roam while also doing the things (playing musical scales, trying all the settings on your camera, writing three pages every day, etc.) that will give you the skills and focus to play with what your imagination offers you.

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