Virgo New Moon: How to think for yourself

Today’s Virgo New Moon is exact at 9:44 am EDT. All New Moons are a conjunction of the Sun and Moon, and this one is in a sign represented by Mercury. This means that how we think, how we feel about what we think, and our understanding of that process are all part of the equation.

Simplified chart showing the Sun and Moon conjunct in Virgo (New Moon). Jupiter is the orange '4' in Cancer, making a sextile to the New Moon; Chiron is the orange key opposite the New Moon. Also shown: Mercury in late Virgo, which it rules. View full chart here.
Simplified chart showing the Sun and Moon conjunct in Virgo (New Moon). Jupiter is the orange ‘4’ in Cancer, making a sextile to the New Moon; Chiron is the orange key opposite the New Moon. Also shown: Mercury in late Virgo, which it rules. View full chart here.

New Moons can represent starting points; the blending of ego consciousness (Sun) and intuition/emotions (Moon); and blind spots in our awareness — kind of like how it’s hard to see someone right beside you without turning your head. With a New Moon in a sign ruled by Mercury, we get a question about ‘how to think for yourself’.

One of the first things to ask yourself in any situation you’re trying to figure out is, “What don’t I know?”

That is, you have to be aware of what you don’t know in order to ask the right questions and have an idea of where to look for the answers. It’s a simple concept.

Yet in this age of lightning-fast sharing on the Internet, it’s easier than ever to take information at face value and assume you have the whole story. The irony is that it’s also easier than ever to research, fact-check and follow up on sources.

The key ingredients are making the time and having the motivation to do so. For most of us, that is not a top priority when it comes to news stories — not when you’re working two jobs, or taking classes, or battling a chronic illness, or just trying to make some time for creative expression (or, let’s face it, distracted by the Internet).

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