Working the mutable T-square: Sun-Chaos-Pholus-Ixion

As mentioned yesterday on Planet Waves, there is a configuration of tense aspects between the Sun and several powerful, slow-moving outer planets. Pholus is involved, intensifying the sensation that the Obama administration’s drive to bomb Syria could spin out of control, while Ixion seems to represent the lack of ethics in the whole proposed bombing campaign. (As always, watch your personal life for situations with these themes.) One potential saving grace is that the Sun is involved: we are conscious of all of this, which means we can choose to work with it constructively.

A section of the minor planet listing in a 90-degree sort for the T-square that's exact today into tomorrow. You can see the full listing here at Not surprising: the Sun has just squared Arachne (spinning webs/stories) and Pandora (of the famous box), which are one degree earlier in Sagittarius.
A section of the minor planet listing in a 90-degree sort for the T-square that’s exact today into tomorrow. You can see the full listing here at Not surprising: the Sun has just squared Arachne (spinning webs/stories) and Pandora (of the famous box), which are one degree earlier in Sagittarius.
Let’s step back and see where all these planetary players are. The Sun is in late-mid Virgo. Square the Sun in Gemini is the minor planet Chaos (Chaos is a Trans-Neptunian object, or TNO, meaning that its orbit crosses Neptune’s orbit). Opposite Chaos and square the Sun in Sagittarius are centaur planets Pholus and Ixion. (There are a few other similar points not far away, but these four are in a tight, exact configuration.)

Chaos, across the way in Gemini, seems to speak to the dual forms of perceived chaos hanging in the balance of our decisions in these days. There’s the chaos of doing nothing and watching brutality unfold (or the seeming political chaos in the U.S. as left and right rally against this new war) and the chaos of launching an attack that we know full well could easily grow into something far beyond our fears.

Pholus and Ixion, as Eric noted yesterday, are minor planets closer to Pluto in their strength — though we are only just now getting acquainted with them astrologically speaking. Being centaurs, they speak to how our humanity and our ‘lower’ or darker halves tread an often-uneasy balance with each other.

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