Sun in Libra: Justice in action, elegantly

Libra energy embodied: this female Ruby-throated hummingbird was feeding from the nasturtiums near me as I typed my notes about the Libra equinox for this week. She was an elegant creature of the air on a mission, occasionally resting on a leaf, wings outstretched for balance as she fed before embarking on a long migration south, following the Sun.
Libra energy embodied: this female Ruby-throated hummingbird was feeding from the nasturtiums near me as I typed my notes about the Libra equinox for this week. She was an elegant creature of the air on a mission, occasionally resting with wings outstretched for balance as she fed before embarking on a long migration south, following the Sun. Photo by Amanda Painter

With Sunday’s equinox, the Sun entered Libra: an air sign, but an air sign with a mission. Libra is a cardinal sign, initiating a season, and when the is Sun there, we’re all a lot more aware of the issues, decisions and challenges that we’re ready to take on in a new way. In true Libra style, those things may carry themes of balance, fairness, justice and relationship.

I think ‘justice’ in particular can be one of the more challenging of Libra’s themes to take on. The word calls to mind the court system and the many grave miscarriages of justice that can and do occur. ‘Justice’ relates to global human rights issues of all sorts. For some, the word has taken on a meaning that is actually closer to ‘revenge’ or ‘punishment’, completely devoid of any sense of healing, growth or deeper spiritual process and meaning.

Especially with the ongoing Uranus-Pluto square uprooting social paradigms all over for several years, we are faced more than ever with a question routinely asked every year when the Sun enters Libra: What are you going to do about the injustice you see in the world?

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