Venus-Mars, Sun-Pluto: You only have what you give

A friend of mine likes to say, “You only have what you give.” It’s a reminder about how generosity works: that in sharing one’s resources, including time, love and effort, you enter into a universal cycle or flow. In withholding any of those things, you cease to be part of that flow, which is marked by exchange — but is not a ‘zero sum’ game. If you’re afraid of not having enough, you can’t see how much you have; you might as well not have it at all. By giving, a path opens up through which you can truly receive in reciprocation.

Simplified chart section showing Venus in Scorpio square Mars in Leo, exact Saturday. The Libra Sun (far right) is square Pluto in Capricorn, exact Tuesday. View glyph key here.
Simplified chart section showing Venus in Scorpio square Mars in Leo, exact Saturday. The Libra Sun (far right) is square Pluto in Capricorn, exact Tuesday. View glyph key here.

This week’s square between Venus in Scorpio and Mars in Leo (exact Saturday at 9:32 am EDT but in effect now) could spur you into passionate demonstrations of love and sexual energy. After all, Venus and Mars represent the female and male principles, respectively. When they come into contact, we also tend to want to, um, come into contact.

Venus and Mars in a square, however, can be less straightforward to negotiate. Squares are generally felt as an inner tension that is begging us to take action. But what kind?

Venus tends toward receptivity and a more emotionally nuanced experience of love and sex. Venus is currently in Scorpio, however: a sign in which she does not move as gracefully as usual, since Scorpio is ruled by Mars (traditional) and Pluto (modern). Venus in Scorpio can get a little confused as to what is true ‘friendliness’, ‘generosity’ and ’receptivity’ in love. Sometimes something closer to selfishness emerges: the act of giving and offering when your true goal is to set yourself up to ‘get’ something.

Venus just came through a tight squeeze in the shape of a conjunction to Saturn; it might have felt a little pinched and intense for you. With Venus square Mars, you might be noting a case of ‘I want what I want how I want it’, even in the midst of genuine love.

The fact that Mars and Venus are both in fixed signs is an indication to be extra aware of feeling ‘stuck’ when it comes to love and passion in your life — that is, notice if selfishness or jealousy rear their heads. Both Venus in Scorpio and Mars in Leo can fall prey to these less-than-generous emotions.

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