Libra New Moon — and a “call to destiny”

The Libra New Moon is Friday just before 8:35 pm EDT. It’s a New Moon that’s in line with the Uranus-Pluto square, so you know there are likely to be events coinciding that affect all or most of us (think political developments and world events), and they could involve some disruption (does the whole Affordable Care Act / shutdown of the U.S. government come to mind?). But there’s more going on in the chart as well.

Simplified chart for the Libra New Moon. Also shown, from top: Pluto in Capricorn, Saturn and Mercury in Scorpio, Sun and Moon in Libra, Vesta in Virgo and Uranus in Aries. View full chart here.
Simplified chart for the Libra New Moon. Also shown, from top: Pluto in Capricorn, Saturn and Mercury in Scorpio, Sun and Moon in Libra, Vesta in Virgo and Uranus in Aries. View full chart here.

For example, there’s a very close yod configuration involving the Libra New Moon. A yod is a triangle shape. At its base are two planets that are making a sextile to each other (60 degrees — a sextile is an aspect between complimentary elements, in this case, earth and water).

At the point of the triangle is a planet to which the other two are quincunx (150 degrees, or one sign off from an exact opposition).

Sextiles are harmonious, but it takes some effort to access their flow. Quincunxes can be challenging, asking us for continual adjustment.

When you put them all together, a yod can be a tricky configuration to figure out, since it can manifest either as a powerful conduit or a deeply felt block. It isn’t also known as “the finger of god” for nothing.

The yod involving the Libra New Moon is being formed by Vesta in Virgo making a sextile to Saturn in Scorpio (earth to water), with both of those planets quincunx Uranus in Aries.

Opposite Uranus in this configuration is the Sun and Moon conjunct in Libra — Libra being the sign in between Virgo and Scorpio.

The position where the Sun and Moon are is called the “activation point” of a yod. When a planet is moving through the sensitive activation point of a yod, it can trigger major events.

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