Square Saturn, Trine Uranus

Binder books, mostly containing my published articles and supporting materials, dating back to 1989.
Binder books, mostly containing my published articles and supporting materials, dating back to 1989.

Today’s Aquarius Full Moon (at 2:09 pm EDT, 18:09 UTC) is square Saturn in Scorpio. So all that high-voltage, liberating energy of a Moon-Sun opposition across Leo and Aquarius is balanced on the willingness take on work and responsibility — the squares to Saturn. Saturn describes what takes maturity, time and devotion. In Scorpio, it may describe something that seems impossible, or the sense that there is more work hidden around the next corner.

But something else is going on — the Sun is trine Uranus, and the Moon is sextile. That is the power of ideas. The trine from the Sun to Uranus opens up a flow of creative and even revolutionary energy that has the ability to save work — it’s about ideas doing the work. Of course ideas have to be tested and applied; they must be developed. Yet that’s usually easier than the no ideas, not-thought-through method of getting things done; or the exclusive reliance on how things were done on the past.

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