Mars conjunct Saturn in Scorpio: irritation or inspiration

You know people are getting itchy when someone writes in and objects to mentioning in a blog post that I ate lunch. I’ve been seeing this all day. I know what it is — Mars is making a conjunction with Saturn in Scorpio. That is exact Monday, but as you can see, it’s close and it’s closing in. We are all feeling it now. The sensation is amplified by the Sun opposite Nessus in Aquarius, about to change signs. Then the New Moon happens. Quite a moment.

Mars conjunct Saturn as of Thursday.
Mars conjunct Saturn as of Thursday.

Mars conjunct Saturn is a challenging aspect. It also bestows strength of character, or at least persistence and the ability to stay on-message. It has many manifestations, showing up in the natal charts of Lucille Ball, David Gilmour, Mel Gibson, Ellen DeGeneres, Umberto Eco, Goldie Hawn, Carole King and J. Z. Night, the voice of Ramtha. So be it!

Then there’s Neil Young, Venus Williams and David Lynch. And one of my closest colleagues at Planet Waves. Oh, and Martin Luther. Not Martin Luther King — the actual Martin Luther, the guy with the 99 Theses, who singlehandedly took on the Roman Catholic Church and founded the Protestant faith.

If you have this aspect in your natal chart, you have to master it, or it will eat you for lunch — probably once a day. Speaking of lunch, that is.

Now we get to live with it for a few days. You may notice that some people are acting strangely. You may notice that some around you cannot keep a grip on themselves; you may be noticing this yourself. Take a breath. Don’t let anyone get under your skin — and don’t get under your own skin. That is to say, leave yourself alone. There is plenty of self-torture going on in the world; I know many who participate. It’s not necessary. It’s not a form of self-improvement. It is merely what it is, self-torture. If you shift to the space of self-pleasure, you will free up some energy and give yourself a break.

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