Self-generated New Moon Ritual

By Amanda Moreno

One of the reasons I love astrology is because it provides a map for understanding the soul’s journey. It’s a language that can be ambiguous, but with a little creativity we can see this ambiguity as possibility and step into it to feel how it resonates within our own experience, thus creating understanding. It provides a doorway for conscious and active participation life.

Photo by Eric Francis.
Photo by Eric Francis.

I don’t really consider astrology to be a religion, but understanding how it can inform spirituality is worthwhile.

In order for a spiritual system to serve as a container for transformation, it has to remain relevant at the level of the heart.

Astrology is particularly rad in this sense because it provides a framework for a kind of global mythology, with a set of archetypal correlates within which individuals are their own center of truth.

That transiting Mars and Saturn are conjunct is “true” for everyone, but how it ripples through my experience will be different from yours.

There is a New Moon in Virgo tomorrow. And therefore the practical side of me wants to honor Virgo by writing about how to use astrology in self-generated ritual. But my poet’s heart is caught up in the Pisces polarity (my natal Mercury in Pisces is exactly opposite this New Moon) and is needing some air time to express the emotional whirlpool I’ll call August 2014.

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