Dear Mel: Frustrated Life-Timer

Dear Mel,

My folks and relatives bought me this TV set from commissery. It cost more than 400 bucks and it don’t work from the time I got it, like you couldn’t change channels and there was no sound. I tried writing to the company named on the label but it was returned addressee unknown. So I sent a kite to commisery and now they say I got to pay 50 bucks to fix it. This don’t seem right. Like, it never worked, see, so why should I pay more to fix it? I mean, my folks live on minimum wage and could’a bought a name brand one that worked for 40 bucks but we got to buy what the commisary sells and it sucks. And other dudes here that bought these same tv’s have the same problems like some don’t even have plugs. What can we do?

Frustrated Life-Timer

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