Glimpsing A Clear Day

By Judith Gayle | Political Waves

On a clear day
rise and look around you
and you’ll see who you are.

On a clear day
how it will astound you
that the glow of your being
outshines every star.

From the movie On A Clear Day You Can See Forever

Lyric by Alan Jay Lerner

Political Blog, News, Information, Astrological Perspective.I’m writing this on Friday the 13th, wondering if the shock wave from the three X-class solar flares that erupted from the sun earlier in the week will disrupt either my work day or my entire life. That, and the Full Moon that’s only a few minutes off my natal Mercury at 22 Sagittarius, activating what I call the Family Karma, as my two kids are closely linked to that configuration. Proving — as in bread rising, experiments confirmed — the echo of past as present, cycles repeating and returning, the shocks and surprises of the last few weeks have reopened a dire wound that occurred in our lives thirty years ago this April. Moldy-oldies in the family fridge, revisited. So just call me Dances With Centaurs, galloping forward with my arrows aimed at the stars, hooves kicking up dust of an old karmic occurrence and awaiting my moment of clarity.

As weeks go, it all went to hell quickly, didn’t it? And just when everything was beginning to look up. Well, except for the religious schisms exploding into Iraq’s inevitable civil war and the Pottery Barn contract we signed in American blood and treasure that makes it nearly impossible to let well enough alone. Bless Obama for calling this Maliki’s problem and declaring it regional, although we will likely try to prevent Iraq from becoming another Syria, destabilizing the area further. So damn him, then, if you must, for sending the carrier, U.S. George H. W. Bush, on its way toward the gulf, capable of shelling and providing armed support, although Obama assures us no Americans will be deployed. And oh-my-goodness, the George H. W. Bush? That stirs some echoes, doesn’t it?

Question of moment: What If? What if Saddam hadn’t threatened to kill Poppy Bush? What if George W. hadn’t taken umbrage to pull support from trouncing the Taliban for harboring militants, and start Bush War II? What if we’d left the ONLY secular country in the Middle East alone and let the heavy-handed thug that ruled the country keep out the infamous Al Qaeda? Clearly, if we’d brought an international policing effort on terrorism to bear instead of playing out the delusional nonsense of superiority, vengeance and lust for power we call warfare, the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS, ironically, putting old hatreds back together again) wouldn’t have found the dry tinder of religious suppression to blow into flame. This is a group so extreme that even Al Qaeda, now entrenched in Saddam’s Iraq, wants nothing to do with them.

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