You Done Good — Neptune and the Capricorn Solstice

The solstice happens at the same instant for all of us, everywhere on Earth.
Deborah Byrd, goddess of science journalism

Way back on Sept. 22, the Sun entered Libra, initiating a new season and an equinox just hours after retrograde Neptune returned to the first degree of Pisces to receive a quincunx (150 degrees of separation) from the Sun. Neptune has occupied the first degree of Pisces ever since, filling a special role.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Since then, nearly every object that has moved from one sign to another has made its first aspect from the new sign to Neptune, and the Sun was the first. It’s as though Neptune has been holding the door open for change.

At 6:11 am EST Friday, when the Sun enters Capricorn to initiate a new season and a solstice, Neptune will still be in the first degree of Pisces receiving a sextile (60 degrees of separation) from the Sun. With the exception of the Moon, the newly Capricorn Sun will be the last object to shift sign and immediately aspect Neptune on the threshold of its rulership. A few days after the solstice, Neptune will leave that portal behind for the last time until the 22nd Century has grown old.

The Sun, to paraphrase Robert Hand, represents consciousness shining forth — yours, and at the same time, the consciousness of every being on Earth. Hand also refers to Neptune as the stuff of dreams. A quincunx often represents an awkward, and myopic relationship between the objects in aspect. A quincunx from the Sun to Neptune thus symbolizes the fallible human, you, and all of us at once, everywhere on Earth. The fallible human in need of adjustment, but still worthy of love for possession of consciousness in quest of a dream.

In the course of a season, the equinox quincunx from the Sun to Neptune has become a solstice sextile. A sextile is usually emblematic of a reward for effort past and an encouragement for effort to come, like a scholarship or a grant. That’s a long way to come from a quincunx, and that’s how far you have come. Therefore, when the Sun enters Capricorn to sextile Neptune a few hours later, it’s as though it is saying, “you done good.”

You have done good because you are still alive. You have done especially well because you have come to Planet Waves to read these words now. You are still human, you are fallible. You and all of us, everywhere on Earth, have a lot of work yet to do. You have work to do on yourself. You have work to do for others. You have work to do for Earth — the only place you will ever live — but you have done good.

So, give Neptune a break already. Go through the solstice door, at the same instant with the rest of us. Go through the door and get to work on the other side, resolved to do better. Resolve to help others do better as well. Don’t worry that Neptune will move on. So, eventually, will you. There will be other doors and other seasons and, if all of us everywhere on Earth do better, other people to greet Neptune when it returns to the door of Pisces when the next century grows old.

Offered In Service  

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

15 thoughts on “You Done Good — Neptune and the Capricorn Solstice”

  1. “You have work to do for Earth — the only place you will ever live — but you have done good.”


    Walk with beauty – that’s you, Len. Always offering these moments for placing myself IN.

    Thank you!!

  2. I could not miss this appointment you Len, this message of love to all beings that we are. May God bless you and your family. Yes we need to connect us in conscience for the great change of future humanity. Let us love one another and others, become stronger in the face of adversity, peace and love to all

    Merry Christmas and good Weekend

  3. Lizzy: You are welcome.

    wholiff: Thank you. Best wishes and encouragement to both your times of whirlwind and stillness to come.

    be: Thank you once again for taking us further and deeper with your amazing perspective once again. May we be gifted to read your words often for a long time to come.

    paola: Thank you for your visionary sentiment, there is no doubt that you will be among those to make it real.

    Mia: You are most welcome. Deepest thanks to you as well.

    aword: Thank you once again for sharing the perspective of your transits. Wow, it feels like this has been the year for transiting planets to light your natal chart up like a Christmas tree. May the Cosmos bring more light for you in the year to come.

    mariapadhila: And many thanks to you for accepting my service.

    KathyC: Yes, thank you, it is a good thing to hear, and to say to others in our lives.

    Jerbe: Thank you for your excellent observation. On the Capricorn Solstice we are all Ozzies in the Sun and in the Spirit.

    P. Sophia: Thank you for your kind and gracious words.

    DivaCarla: You are welcome.

  4. A true gentleman. That’s to you and Neptune for holdiing the door open for us. It is a blessing to come here to recieve so richly and to share. With love, in appreciation to Eric and all of you here at planet waves. See you on the other side…

  5. “The fallible human in need of adjustment, but still worthy of love for possession of consciousness in quest of a dream.” Couldn’t help but think of the lovable characters of OZ: Scarecrow, Tinman, Lion, even the Wizard. Often times I find myself playing these roles. Some days I need a brain, other days a heart, courage, compassion. Ol’ L. Frank Baum had a clue…so do you, Len. Thank you.

  6. Hope you have a reinvigorating solstice, Len! I am STILL thinking about all you told me in the reading you did for me.

  7. and Be, thank you too, again, for all you give here.
    Neptune will be back to exact conjunct natal Sun on my Solar Return this coming year at 2PI45 (Feb 21).
    I’m excited to experience all he has to bring in this continuing story — as in “bring it on”!

  8. Yes, thank you Len – for ushering in today and tomorrow – and yesterday.
    With much love and appreciation,

  9. Thank you for your good works, Len,

    includings these posts, your astrology consultations and your Reiki.

    Happy Solstice!

  10. Thank you Len, see you – and all – beyond that door. Many feelings right now, expectation, slight anxiety, satisfaction, confusion, and others. For me in the last days the ‘new entry’ has been confusion, so I’m trying to make peace with that.
    Happy end of your world, happy beginning of your new world. Love!

  11. Wow, I adore the stories you weave from the astrology of the moment Len, especially when they cover a span of linear time. They are parables even; always inspiring, always encouraging us to see beyond our own navels (thanks for that Amanda). This time it made me look back to when Neptune first entered Pisces almost 21 months ago to see if I could find a story. I found several beginnings like Neptune’s new arrival to Pisces; there was Uranus and Mars starting a new cycle at 1 Aries, and the Sun was about to start a new cycle with Jupiter in mid Aries, and the Moon had just started her brief new cycle with Mercury in late Aries. With 6 major planets in Aries, Newness seemed to be the theme that Neptune would be working with for the next 15 years. Neptune himself was still in his new beginning cycle with Chiron, (even though it had been going on for two years!)

    The new cycles themselves had stories they would tell. Uranus conjunt Mars on the Aries Point would birth the Occupy movement among other things. The Sun conjunct Jupiter would be opposite Saturn in Libra emphasizing the mid-way point in the 20 year cycle of two societal planets and, with the Sun involved, bring consciousness to it, pointing to the difficulty of achieving balance and harmony. The Moon conjunct Mercury in Aries was trine the north node in Sagittarius which was conjunct the Galactic Center. This quite possibly could have been a nod to a new beginning in how families communicate with one another. Neptune with Chiron in Pisces would surely include pain as well as “the stuff of dreams”.

    There was another aspect present in Neptune’s first-entry-into-Pisces chart; that of Venus in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn, an aspect you likened to a grant or scholarship; something that can be achieved with effort. This aspect is also part of the story of Neptune’s return to his own sign. If “love conquers all” then these Neptunian flavored new cycles of individuals, groups, nations and families will be rewarded by going through the transforming solstice door and getting to work on the other side. I love happy endings, don’t you?

  12. That’s beautiful, Len. Thank you. The past three months have been a whirlwind; it’s nice to think it was effort well spent.

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