Will and Focus – Sun, Pluto and Chiron

Wednesday, the Virgo Sun trines Pluto and opposes Chiron, giving you a look at will and focus. Pluto’s Capricorn position is the solid rock of will upon which our future can be built, if we choose to see it that way. Even or perhaps, especially from Pisces, Chiron’s will is to contribute focus. As for the Sun, that’s what helps you see. The solar light of consciousness is there for the aware, literally illuminating the world you can see, and also serving as symbolic limner of the unseen.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Compared to Chiron and Pluto, the symbolic solar is fast. The Sun’s apparent motion defines the annual and daily rhythms that contain tropical astrology. The daily solar aspects function to highlight what is important now, as if to say ‘it’s time for this’.

Operating from the mutable quality and earthen element of Virgo, the temporal function of the Sun now is to presage a new season. You can see the solar process with your own eyes from one day to the next. With each passing day, the hours of light and darkness grow more equal. In reciprocal parallax, every sunset and every dawn is further south on the horizon than the day before. It is therefore consistent and reasonable to expect aspects from the Virgo Sun to include the anticipation of a symbolic new season for the objects and points receiving the solar presentiment. Hence, with its impending earth trine, Sol serves to not only pre-signify a new perception of Pluto, but also to shape it.

Trines are aspects that connect two or more objects occupying separate signs identified with the same element (fire, earth, air or water). Being clothed in the same element means that planets in trine are fundamentally in convocation from afar through shared raiment. The enhanced communication fostered by a consistent medium also encourages an empathy of sorts. Planets in empathy, like people in empathy, take resemblance from each other. That is how the Virgo Sun may be supplemented — given its common ground with Pluto — by also illuminating a mutual purpose of fostering a new season in your perceptions.

It’s about time for Pluto to have a new season in your perception. Since it was discovered in 1930, both the astronomy and astrology of Pluto have been through a lot of changes. First it was a planet, then not. So far, five moons have been discovered; the most recent was announced on July 12. With a few generations of experience under our belts, the plutonian symbolism employed by astrologers has also progressed from an interpretation of its name to an energy that can supplement your will to evolve rather than break it. As if to get your attention and overwhelm outmoded prejudices of dread, 2012 has brought with it two aspects to Pluto that we are in the midst of repeating over and over again.

Beginning in April of this year and continuing until August of next year, every lunar tour of Capricorn will feature an occultation of Pluto. That means Pluto is in the process of being literally eclipsed by the Moon every month for 19 months in a row. If repetition means emphasis, this long game of lunar peek-a-boo will serve to lay stress upon how Pluto looks and feels now, stripping away obsolete associations and replacing them with current correlations. Providing a reciprocal parallax to history are a series of cardinal squares from Uranus.

Just days after the recent Cancer solstice, Uranus reached an Aries position identical to Pluto’s Capricorn placement. It was the first of a series of squares that will repeat seven times over nearly three years. In between the repetitions, Uranus and Pluto will remain well within orb of a square aspect, making their relationship a continuum. That continuum, in turn, emphasizes that our time now is an evolution from the 1960s era when Uranus and Pluto initiated their current cycle with a Virgo conjunction. Opposing the 1960s Uranus-Pluto Virgo conjunction was undiscovered Chiron, then invisibly crossing the waters of Pisces. Symbolizing the advent of its focus, we now know about Chiron as it has returned to Pisces this year, precisely complementing the correlating repetitions of emphasis on Pluto.

On Wednesday, the Virgo Sun will portend a new season at hand for history even as it moves towards a new season for the year. Standing in proxy for a long-ago conjunction, the solar opposition to Chiron will both impart and receive. The illumination transmitted by the Sun will highlight how our awareness has evolved. The focus reflected back from Chiron will be on how our evolution must progress in order to see and participate in cycles of change to come. And come they will.

The compulsory nature of all cycles must be met in kind with focus and will. Whether they be seasonal or historical cycles, focus is required to see outer patterns in transformation, and will is necessary so that you can free yourself from attachment to inner patterns of perception and response no longer appropriate for what is to come. On Wednesday, the Sun’s trine to Pluto, and simultaneous opposition to Chiron can, if you will it, serve to both enhance your awareness and transform your perception in a manner congruent with what is important now. It is time for this. It is time to see what the Sun’s light reveals. It is time to acknowledge your awareness of Chiron and employ it. Concurrently, it is also time to divest yourself of perceptions of Pluto that are no longer appropriate to what you can readily observe, and embrace Pluto as an indispensable ally.

Offered In Service

9 thoughts on “Will and Focus – Sun, Pluto and Chiron”

  1. “focus is required to see outer patterns in transformation, and will is necessary so that you can free yourself from attachment to inner patterns of perception and response no longer appropriate for what is to come.”

    Len, thanks for this. Yesterday I “freed myself from attachment to inner patterns of perception and responses which were no longer appropriate.” Now I am free to “enhance my awareness and transform my perceptions.” Thank you for putting into words what is happening in my life. Your eloquence and articulation are amazing and very welcome.

  2. Huffy: Thank you. It is gratifying to know my service is useful to you.

    be: Thank you for being so kind. You know, the transiting asteroid Isis is entering Scorpio following Mars and Preceding Uranus. That will put Isis in Pluto’s domain, so your initial idea is (as you put it) spot on, actually.

    Chief Niwots Son: Thank you for your compliment.

    Katie Vee: You are most welcome.

    Burning River: Thank you for the update and please accept my further encouragement.

  3. Will: To keep on keeping on with the releasing and saying good-bye to,,,is it really going to be everything? Everything old, outworn, not useful. actually harmful or undermining or just plain worn out. Yes. Thanks, Pluto, old boy.
    As if I have had a choice, really. What choice does the side of a mountain have when the landslide begins?
    But it is good. It is not haphazard. It has been needed and chosen. in most cases.
    Now to envision that point where Neptune was expected to be found in my own future…. Focus. Lea. Focus.
    Just an update, Len. You know how I appreciate your work. No change.

  4. “Being clothed in the same element means that planets in trine are fundamentally in convocation from afar through shared raiment.”

    Len- that right there is some fine writing. Thank you.

  5. And here I thought it was all about my Isis. Wednesday the Sun conjuncts my Isis just before he trines Pluto and opposes Chiron. You see, this was to be the start of my “getting it all together” year. You know, getting my ducks in a row. The plan was to get everything out of my bedroom (which is also my office) and then re-arrange the furniture and re-assign its function. But it not just about me is it? Well, I’m relieved for that Len. Maybe transiting Chiron opposite my little Isis was sending a subliminal message to her to get me focused on what must be done. Oh, and is it “time for this”. More like last chance time really.

    As so many of your fans note, you make clear what is so not-in-focus for us. Yes, we feel a push or a pull or a distraction, but reasons often elude us as to why that happens. Then, right on cue, you provide a sane and logical explanation for these directives and that puts us in a much more cooperative mood. Rather than type in every sentence you have written as a special quote, I will just acknowledge how spot-on the whole thing is.

    Recently there has been a rash of ancient fears making an unwanted appearance (like the teeny mouse that flashed past me one early morning when I went out on my balcony) seemingly to remind me of childhood anxieties I thought were long gone. It really is time to change my perception of Pluto, on a deeper level, not just the mental level which I thought I’d already done. Perhaps I needed the metaphor of Isis to give a feminine form to what needs to be done in order to gets my ducks in a row. She is such a heroine to me for being able to bring together all her dead husband’s parts together and restore his life. Maybe all that masculine energy was a little too powerful to face full on. Maybe the Virgo in me was too focused on the trees but now I am able to see the forest. So grateful to you for that.

  6. Thanks so much for this dear, Len. Feel that I’m at a crossroads moment, and your words help me to see it and work with it more consciously.

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