What Or Whether — The Sun Opposes The Galactic Core

The Gemini Sun will oppose the Sagittarian Galactic Core as the weekend draws to a close. That means Earth will be moving in between the Sun and the center of our galaxy. Sun opposing the Galactic Center is an annual event that takes place three days before the Cancer solstice, but this year it has a little something extra going for it. That something extra may leave you starting next week wondering what’s what and whether or not.

Astrology by Len Wallick

If you have ever found yourself reversing left and right, front to back or up and down, you may soon be doing that again. It is not to say that the Sun opposed to the Galactic Core is a source of confusion so much as it is occasion to question whether things can or may be otherwise. The interrogative opportunity which accompanies this year’s rendition of Earth between the center of the solar system and the center of the galaxy is a matter of context.

An eclipse cycle propelled us so far afield you may have trouble with recollections before May 20, when the great eye of an annular solar eclipse opened up to reveal the cycle’s entrance. The theme of eclipses was then extended with nearly absurd timing by Venus transiting the Sun, not to be repeated for more than a century. The Venus transit was immediately followed by another lunar wink of Pluto, a suit the Moon will follow this weekend when it occults Jupiter as well. All of those eclipses and eclipse-like events will not only have preceded the Sun opposing the Galactic Center, they will be concentrically encapsulated in some pretty darned auspicious events that will follow in the week to come.

The auspicious occurrences that will take place next week start with a lunar cycle, proceed to a solar cycle and then take us out to the edge of consciousness. The current lunation, the period of time between one New Moon and the next, is taking place entirely within Gemini. That’s right, two New Moons in a row in Gemini, the first of which was a solar eclipse and the second, on Tuesday, has intimations of a hard act to follow. Nevertheless, the Sun will follow on Wednesday by literally standing still at its northernmost elongation for the Cancer Solstice. Then, finally, on June 24, a Uranus inured to Aries will finally find itself in the first of six exact squares to a Pluto possessed of Capricorn, defining the boundary of an aureole in the midst of an epoch. Between the various eclipses and concentric epochs will be all of us, quite literally in the middle as well.

To be moving between the Sun and the center of our galaxy is no small thing. To occupy that middle place in space as simultaneously we move between two axes of time suggests a profound intersection, a switch of track beyond our wit, but not beyond our notice. What you can expect to notice as the weekend closes are indications that the order and place of things, heretofore deemed natural, are in fact rapidly becoming archaic. Given the sheer volume of immense astrology just before and after the Sun opposes the Galactic Center, you can anticipate that some of those perceptive shifts could be unexpectedly sudden and precipitous, which makes an appropriate response problematic. The key will be to respond rather than react.

Response is a mindful thing, taken deliberately and under control. Reaction is a loss of control and a surrender to the mindless impulses of fight, flight or panic. The three practices that best assist an appropriate response are awareness, humor and a sense of proportion. Astrology is there to provide an awareness, symbolically forewarning the approach of a switch from one track to another. Humor serves to counteract whatever gravity is in the circumstances that would threaten to crush or rend your equanimity. Finally, a sense of proportion allows you to be a student learning the skills you need to advance to the next level of matriculation precisely as that level is presenting itself.

So, if you go out in the evening of the New Moon and see the dew sparkling brightly on the the grass, if your friends seem estranged, or if you find yourself swept off your feet by strange and new attractions, don’t pinch, scream or kick — go with it. Take it in for the special time that it is and look for the chance to step off or step up. Above all, do everything you can to avoid stepping back. To go where the angelic fail to venture is not foolishness, it is evolution.

Offered In Service  

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

15 thoughts on “What Or Whether — The Sun Opposes The Galactic Core”

  1. Excellent as always thanks Len, have you read my reflection on the Moon news and the Galactic Centre?

    When I started to wrote I I was tangled brushes, I do not know why that I found Vesta in the arms of Jupiter, it was Ceres that I have deliberately concealed. It is true that can not be all addressed in reflection to deepen the thinking in a defined direction
    Again me return after a failure of the internet. I was on wifi and it was not really top, I plan to buy a laptop failure it is good to have two handy

    Good evening and good start of week to all 🙂

  2. Looks like we have some of that fecund creative chaos going on already, will note it along with the thanks.

    Anna QCS: Thank you. Appears as though the pathways in your corpus callosum are well established, no wonder you are sensitive to the switch.

    aword: You are most welcome. Thank you for verifying the Atlantis position.

    Burning River: Thank you for accepting my service. It is your courage that will see you through.

    Kazaa: The “which way to turn”, internal/external, and “right track” contemplations you shared are great descriptions of the implied and anticipate phenomenon. Memory could be an issue on either side of such a profound threshold as the annular eclipse was. As to whether it will add up? Perhaps another math function would express it better? Thank you for sharing your adroit perceptions.

    mystes: Thank you for your kind and healing service in the midst of your own energy expenditure.

    be: Nobody runs with the ball like you do. Nobody does yods like you either. Thank you. As aword verified, Atlantis is indeed in the 17th degree of Aquarius, soon for the 18th and part of a very interesting web of aspects.

    Lyd: Thank you. The way you describe your natal Uranus makes sense in precisely the way Uranus makes sense. Do you prefer your lightening bottled?

    Dina Carla: Well put, thank you.

  3. Thank you Len. I needed this: “Take it in for the special time that it is and look for the chance to step off or step up. Above all, do everything you can to avoid stepping back. To go where the angelic fail to venture is not foolishness, it is evolution.”

    I was swirling around in some past stuff for a couple of hours. The temptation overtakes me when the future looks invisible. But it is here. I am fine. All is well. And stepping up and off is exactly where I want to be, and am commanded to be. Don’t want to reset the timer on this one. Let’s go!

  4. Mystes…”vapo-rub stick up the nose” is absolutely priceless. I use ‘Olbas’, but now, will forever be chuckling at the thought of passing it around! Thanks for that!

  5. Len, I so appreciate your words today. “Take it in for the special time that it is and look for the chance to step off or step up.

    All my planets are above the horizon, except for Uranus in 6th, 0 Cancer. Looking at my chart, Uranus appears, in my eyes, as an ‘anchor’. Whenever I have been moodling through changes and am coming up on the other side, so to speak, that’s when Uranus and I pull up anchor, ‘step off or step up’ and begin experimenting with something new. And I so know when he is approaching.

    Does that make any sense???

    This was just perfect for me today Len, well, like all the other messages you share !!!!

  6. Thanks mystes and Huffy and all commenters wishing me well. Homeopathic remedies and Bach flower remedies (esp the Bach flowers) are staples–really–daily assistants in my life. So glad you are receiving their benefits.
    MY having been born between eclipses, I am now in a similar vortex with a different spin on it potentially…..it’s a solar return of a lifetime–of all lifetimes perhaps? Of the end finally of all lifetimes? Doom, yes, I sense that going on somewhere, mystes until I yank myself back again to the beauty of it all and stay in my life at this moment.
    And Len’s reading of my natal chart and progressions is the first time anyone has helped me make this kind of sense of my life. Challenging, but not utterly without context.
    Love the visual of the vapo rub inhaler.I am taking frequent breaks and time outs, such as this moment. xoxo

  7. Lol, Be! Well, I am about to experience a Itokawa return, so it better be good. Seems to me the Japanese sur-name and all that water should take on a meaning or two.

    Something on a Wiki search about a possible meaning of “Gardner” but nothing for sure.

    Yep, Atlantis is around 16 AQ just now – a couple of degrees from natal Chyron at 18 AQ for me. For some reason I always associate Atlantis with the color red – so your ruby slippers are a perfect fit.

  8. You know what? This is also the midway point of the year 2012; feels like the eye of a tornado in a way. All is still and serene about me, yet Toto and I know we aren’t in Kansas anymore. Sounds like, so far, your readers seem Aware and up for the coming events Len. mystes even brought the Humor (of course). But this Proportion thing I’m not sure of. Is this a midway point like a mid-term exam? Or is it bigger and are we advancing to a new level already? Is it possible to be over-aware? I want to be a Respond-er and not a React-er, so maybe I should just Be still.

    On the other hand I became Aware that Uranus and Venus would be sextile in both the New Moon and Solstice charts, which I took to mean that a Pleasant Surprise might be offered up from these events. Further study made me aware of something going on in Scorpio; Requium, Poseidon, Deucalion and Ceto all together would make quincunx aspects to both Uranus and Venus which together make a Yod. That’s a lot of stuff related to water, with Deucalion being a bit of a Noah without an Ark. Opposite the Scorpio foursome is Sphinx the silent one and Itokawa. What’s an Itokawa for pete’s sake? Well, not much to go on here, no myth to study. Seems this asteroid was named after a Japanese rocket scientist named Hideo Itokawa, and right now that asteroid seems to be organizing it’s particles, much the way shaking a box of Raison Bran shakes the raisons to the top. (Thanks Google!) Hmm..wish I’d checked to see where Atlantis was now; somewhere in Aquarius I believe. Now that would be a cool sight. . seeing Atlantis shake to the top, don’t you think?

    I will probably still keep my ruby red slippers under the bed as a precaution though, just in case I miss the track going forward and need to get back to Kansas. Or I could reverse that, who knows?

  9. “Or a vapo-rub stick up the nose (then try to pass it around!).” I love you Mystes! Will try that tip myself, when I go and stay with the folks in August.
    Yes, lots of luck and love to you, BR. Let us know how it goes.

  10. Thanks so much Len, for this beautiful piece. As often happens with you – you talk about imminent astrological events that I’m already feeling the effects of. Have been on the edge of panic a couple of times this week, and have had enough presence of mind to pull myself back to the centre again. “The three practices that best assist an appropriate response are awareness, humor and a sense of proportion”. You are so right, there’s a lot here that is really helpful – that I’ll read with more care tomorrow am, after a good night’s sleep.

  11. BR… much luck with the family reunion or dysunion as the case may be. Just remember: we came in to these groups because they care some residual qualities that are reconvened through us. Don’t get too stuck on the delivery systems, just extract the necessary forms, blow on ’em till they start to glow hot, then stand back as they expand.

    And try to take little breaks. I can do just about 2 hours of my FoO before I start getting the vapors. Then it’s time for a ticklebreak. Or a vapo-rub stick up the nose (then try to pass it around!).


  12. “To be moving between the Sun and the center of our galaxy is no small thing. To occupy that middle place in space as simultaneously we move between two axes of time suggests a profound intersection, a switch of track beyond our wit, but not beyond our notice.”

    “To go where the angelic fail to venture is not foolishness, it is evolution.”

    Gorgeously lyrical, as always! I love how your writing delivers doses of wisdom and truth in these beautiful packages. It makes it hard to know which way to turn, sometimes…the writing itself or the astrology??

    When you said that we might have trouble with recollections before 20 May, did you mean memory? I’m having trouble with memory SINCE then, oddly. On the night/morning of 19/20 May I had a major precipitating event, and I’ve been reeling and going back and forth ever since, wondering if I’ve really moved forward or have been stuck ever since. Was it all a mirage? Am I still on the right track?

    Things seem to be moving so fast I can’t always tell anymore if it’s internal or external. It feels mostly internal and the external doesn’t seem to keeping up, causing a warp. But then sometimes I realize if I look closely, I’ve been getting a trail of synchronous events and experiences that I’ve been following like glowing breadcrumbs. It all must be adding up to something, but what? It’s also becoming hard to articulate things to myself and others, which is unlike me…

  13. Starting today, through next Monday and then to continue in a lighter dose for another week, the event with my large family that I I have been fretting about for three months is upon me.
    I hear your voice. Your consults have been priceless. Your posts are are lighting my way. I am so thankful that you are figuratively holding this Gemini’s hand during these events.”Despise fear. Have no respect for fear. Do not be afraid to be wrong.” and “Above all, do everything you can to avoid stepping back. To go where the angelic fail to venture is not foolishness, it is evolution.” I remind myself–courage is fear that has said her prayers.
    Thanks will never be enough, no matter how it all turns out.

  14. Len, there is no doubt in my mind, heart, body that I have been quietly (although not always gently) led into this “moment”. Allowing for the unexpected has become habit – as much “habit” as allowing for the un-expected can become. Rather it is a different state of being, one often needing reassurance – and that is an element you have provided ten-fold.

    Thank you, and thank you again.

  15. Indeed.

    Len Wallick: “Take it in for the special time that it is and look for the chance to step off or step up. Above all, do everything you can to avoid stepping back. To go where the angelic fail to venture is not foolishness, it is evolution.”

    I really, really liked this as well as nodded my head reading this insightful article. Thanks.

    Feels like I am already on the edge of this. Even the weather feels thicker stopping the ears as if I am on flight. Maybe I am. This morning as I was writing, I felt at warp speed yet going at slow mo. Weird. Like a rubber band being stretched and about to snap.

    And I had to use the computer mouse with my right hand. I am right-handed because I was made that way in early schooling (1960s). I use my right hand as dominant however I play guitar left-handed and use the computer mouse left-handed. My left side and arm, though, was paining this morning due some old stiffness. And so I had to use my right hand. And yes, I am one of those who cannot tell my left from my right. Anyway, writing in this warp it seemed my wording and expression was more woo-woo and way out there. Well, I went with it. Why not? Glad to be forewarned though the wacky strangeness is already knocking. Might as well as open the door, greet and meet, and step up going with it. Matriculation and evolution has a nice ring-a-ding.

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