What Life Is Worth — Sagittarius New Moon

But if you know what life is worth, you will look for yours on Earth.
Bob Marley and Peter Tosh, “Get Up, Stand Up”

The last New Moon of 2012 will take place at 21+ Sagittarius, 3:42 am EST Thursday. A New Moon is a conjunction of the luminaries, Sun and Moon. It also starts a new lunar cycle. The aspects to a New Moon are a graphic set of relationships that imply something of the cycle about to begin. Taken together, the timing and aspects to Thursday’s New Moon invite you to participate in a new cycle here on Earth, affirming the value of your own life and that of others.

Astrology by Len Wallick

The Sagittarius New Moon, eight days before the Sun enters Capricorn initiating a new season, strongly suggests that this is time of beginnings, not endings. That is important news, and spreading the news is one way you can affirm life and refute pernicious prophesy.

Just as a New Moon is hidden from our view, some hide fear of a pernicious, and false, prophesy that the world will end at the Capricorn Solstice. Among those who conceal that anxiety are those who take it seriously enough to get lost in fear and grief, possibly bringing loss and grief to others in the bargain. The potential for such a preventable tragedy is symbolized by a centaur object that will participate with the luminaries in their Sagittarius conjunction.

Among the objects that will share the same degree of Sagittarius with the New Moon is Hylonome. In mythology, Hylonome was a centaur suddenly lost in grief over the violent death of her beloved, Cyllarus, losing her own resolve to live in the bargain. In astrology, Hylonome is a centaur object of the solar system with an orbit proximate to both Uranus (the sudden and unexpected), and Neptune (lost in loss). In a fascinating synchronicity, two other objects, both emblematic of love, will be crowded into the same conjunction with Hylonome and the luminaries — the hypothetical planet Cupido, and the asteroid Aphrodite.

In mythology, Aphrodite and Venus are synonymous for the most part, representing ideals of love and beauty. Both affirm life and living as a necessary precondition for realizing those ideals. In astrology, asteroids are, for the most part, very straightforward in how interpretation follows from the name. Aphrodite is thus an overt and fundamental expression of attraction. It is the urge to merge, if you will. The hypothetical planets (more formally known as Uranian points) are more complex, but only so far as to demonstrate how ideals are manifested.

Writing about the theoretical Uranians in the most recent Planet Waves subscriber edition, Eric noted “from years of observation I have learned to respect those points.” Among them is Cupido. Its glyph combines those of Venus and Jupiter, both of which serve as symbols of affirmation in nearly every school of astrology.

The key words for Cupido, according to Arlene Kramer (and other Uranian astrologers) are getting “getting together.” This is especially appropriate for a conjunction with the luminaries. In merger with the New Moon, Cupido thus represents the importance of being both physically and publicly present. It is loving and participating in life, with the living. As with the asteroid Aphrodite, a choice to live is essential to the nature of Cupido. How then are we to interpret Hyolnome’s presence in symbolic merger with the New Moon, Cupido and Aphrodite? The answer might be in the timing of the aspect.

Any of us can get lost in grief or fear, which is precisely how it is important for each of us to be careful not to provoke the same in others. When grief or fear is based on speculation or outright falsehoods, it is especially inappropriate to initiate sudden and unexpected crisis. Please be assured that anybody predicting the world’s end on Dec. 21 is promulgating outright falsehoods. Such delusional liars are not of much concern. They are out in the open with their lies. Their season is drawing to a close. There is legitimate concern, however, for those who keep existential crisis to themselves. That’s how Aphrodite and Cupido come in.

Few things bring people out of their shells, passionately wanting to live, like consensual intimacy. Therefore, for the New Moon and beyond, consider that the person you make love to may be the life you save. Unfortunately, that happy solution is not appropriate or responsible for everybody, and some people may not have that opportunity. But “getting together” in a broader, yet no less important or loving sense, is possible for nearly everybody — with, perhaps, a slight shift in perspective, or a move out of the comfort zone.

Now, right now, and these days in front of us, are an appropriate time to get together. With a New Moon heralding a new season, it is responsible to open up as Jupiter would have us do, and invite others in from out of their heads as Venus would have us do. Cupido symbolically combines the nature of Venus and Jupiter, and provides the means by which we can help each other avoid fulfilling a prophecy that does not value life here on Earth, in this time and place where only life belongs. So, get up, stand up, in human and heavenly conjunction. Stand up for your life.

Offered In Service

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

7 thoughts on “What Life Is Worth — Sagittarius New Moon”

  1. Mia: You are most welcome.

    be: Thank you so much for both expanding on the theme and making it more attractive by reminding us of the Eris aspect to the New Moon. And yes, widening “Hylonome’s narrow resume” would give all of us a more hopeful and energetic start.

    Chief Niwots Son: You can “run off at the keyboard” anytime, so far as i’m concerned. Thank you for another insightful, deeply felt contribution.

    P.Sophia: Thank you for invoking the power of forgiveness and releasing attachment.

    aword: You are quite right. We must each participate to manifest the potential of the astrology. Thank you.

    Lizzy: Thank you for sharing your inspiring and resonant experience.

  2. Thank you for this beautiful, uplifting piece, dear Len. That sense of get together is very strong right for me now. Yesterday I was dropped a bombshell, the magazine I write for, the job that pays my rent and bills, is closing. I immediately got in touch with friends and acquaintances to put the word out that I’m looking for work,and I got an amazing response of love and support. It’s in moments like these that you realise that you’re not alone, and how imprtant it is to reach out in times of need.

  3. Agreed; thank you Len for a powerful message for a powerful time – or a time as full of our power (love) and potential as we choose to step (with awareness) into.

    Thank you too, Be – as always you add so much to the conversation. I do like your idea that Eris and Hylonome can find themselves “at the party and on time” – as sisters in healing/love.


  4. This is a powerful message, in time. Thank you Len for reminding us of our connection to new moon.

    The “what ‘it’s’ worth” is in looking back, only so much as in letting go -of judgement. In actual conjunction to discovering the freedom and power of this new relationship -forgiveness holds.

  5. “Most people think
    Great god will come from the skies
    Take away everything
    And make everybody feel high
    But if you know what life is worth
    You would look for yours on earth
    And now you’ve seen the light
    Stand up for your rights…”

    Later Bob reminds us that “Almighty god is a living man” (woman too, but there is misogyny in the island cultures, mon). Yet Earth is under the heavens, and the stars shall be unto us as signs. Deeper still perhaps we must look to the very body in which we dwell, and through which we share this experience of life.

    I’m running off at the keyboard because the New Moon is opposing my natal Mercury in Gemini.

  6. You really have captured the essence of what is happening so well Len, I know it is challenging when there are several minor bodies – even hypothetical ones – lending their nuances of meaning to the picture, which in this case is a new beginning; a New Moon. I for one, hope that the dualism of the interpretations of astrology’s symbols will become less severe as we shift into a new set of perceptions. The promise of a new beginning is also associated with the day before the New Moon, tomorrow in fact, when the 12-12-12 combination lock could open up new vistas for people who are seeking to upgrade our planet’s health and their own possibilities for spiritual peace and growth.

    As for Hylonome’s grief, it is very difficult to let go of what is familar for a promise of things to come, secured only by one’s own faith in one’s self and a trust in their higher self. I do have compassion for anyone who has been made fearful of the future, now and in times past. Perhaps Hylonome’s position with the New Moon and Sun, Cupido and Aphrodite, is suggesting for many of us that it is natural to mourn the passing of something cherished, as a way to cleanse the heart and begin the healing. Dane Rudhyer speaks of the Sabian symbol for the New Moon – A Chinese Laundry – that when one finds him or herself in an “alien” or foreign place, he or she can draw from his or her background and/or personal interests in order to build a foundation and gain acceptance as he or she adapts to the changes in the new situation. I certainly hope this is so.

    Another challenge could be that Eris, goddess of discord, at 21 Aries is trine the New Moon. One author suggests that soft aspects to Eris, like a trine, could be more discordant than the challenging aspects, like the square. (See Mt. Astrology Magazine, 12 Signs, 12 Distinct Planetary Rulers, by Maria Kay Simms) This viewpoint is based on Eris’ one and apparently only known major trait of being a troublemaker, and when she bears gifts (a trine) she’s dangerous but when she is openly challenging (square) she’s eaiser to “handle”. I would hope that the New Moon is offerering Eris an opportunity to come in from the hinterlands; become integrated with the perhaps fairer (Aphrodite) and more affectionate (Cupido) parts of one’s nature at this auspicious time of transformation.

    Recently asteroids Isis and Iris were conjunct at 21+ Sagittarius, and they also were trine Eris. Isis is known for bringing all the pieces together to make a whole, and Iris the Rainbow Messenger was making sure that this time Eris would get her invitation ahead of time. If there’s anything that can make a body and soul feel better it is bringing the body and soul together, including those parts that were once banished for one reason or another.

    Maybe it is possibe to widen Hylonome’s narrow resume to include an understanding of how one can feel left out. Maybe it will be Hylonome who can best understand Eris’ pain and bring her in out of the cold. Now wouldn’t THAT be a special get-together!

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