Unconventional Wisdom — Sun sextile Uranus

As the Aquarius Sun closes in to sextile Uranus in Aries at 11:46 pm Thursday, you may want to acknowledge the unconventional. That means taking note of anything unusual. It also means being open to alternatives. If astrology is any indicator, this week’s observations and correlations of the unconventional will prepare you to feel your way through evaluating the novel and implementing untried strategies later this season and into the next.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Regardless of the season, the Sun is consciousness for astrology. That is true especially for consciousness made evident. The Sun’s aspect to any given object illuminates a degree of consciousness.

When the Sun opposes an object or point, it is illuminated fully. The Full Moon is a good example of the principle in tangible reality. The same axiom applies symbolically. Each aspect from the Sun represents a degree of consciousness. A closing sextile (a separation of 60 degrees preceding conjunction) represents the limit of conscious acknowledgement, after which it becomes a matter of feel.

Imagine holding hands with 11 other people in a circle. Consider the means by which, and the degree to which, the consciousness of each member of the circle is evident to you. Assuming available light, the eyes of a person directly across from you would be plain to see, along with what eyes reveal of consciousness.

Proceeding from the person opposing you across the circle, and moving around towards your own position, each person’s eyes would be successively less visible to you. Finally, the eyes of the person holding hands with you would only be visible if both of you turned your heads to look at each other exclusively. In a very practical way, that’s how aspects work in astrology. Once you get inside the sextile, to the people you are holding hands with, the information you receive is less visually conscious and more physically subjective.

Right now, the Sun is closing in to conjoin Uranus on March 28. That means the next week or two will be the last chance to look the unconventional nature of Uranus objectively in the eye until nearly four months have gone by.

The unconventional nature of Uranus originates with its discovery and reverberates to the present day. Uranus was the first planet identified by telescope. All of the objects in the solar system known up to that time had always been known up to that time. There was no point when the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter or Saturn entered into human consciousness. Rather, the planets visible to the unaided eye are integral to human consciousness, and probably the human genome. Uranus was the first planet that did not conform to that convention. It still hasn’t. There hasn’t been enough time.

Prior to discovering Uranus in 1781, William Herschel was not conscious that there were other planets to be found. The notion was far too unconventional for a mainstream astronomer. His awareness, along with that of many others, was also probably insulated from the ramifications of an American Revolution just concluded and a French Revolution just getting underway — inured to the conventional as most of us are. The ideas of revolution and republics without formal hereditary monarchs were not integrated into mainstream consciousness. In many ways, for many people, they still haven’t been.

What Uranus, the circumstances and times of its discovery meant to most of the people living in 1781 is what it means for your astrology now. It shows up, often suddenly and unexpectedly, as unconventional events and ideas in your life. You have to see, or note, those events and ideas to be conscious of them. You have to be aware that the unconventional is, by definition, not integrated into your experience or your being in order to acquire your own feel for it.

That means this next week or two will be about clearly seeing and collecting observations and correlations of Uranus in action so that you can get a feel for it. The objective is to prepare for a period of months soon to come when feel is all you will have to work with. Think of it as a project to acquire unconventional wisdom.

Offered In Service

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

33 thoughts on “Unconventional Wisdom — Sun sextile Uranus”

  1. Oh. Bake 45 minutes to an hour until done at about 350 degrees fahrenheit! Some people like to cook their crust about 15 minutes before pouring in the filling, and continuing to bake for about 45 minutes or more.

  2. Lizzy, sweet potato is used as part of filling in the pie like pumpkin. A couple of cups of sweet potato boiled until soft and then mixed with a couple of raw eggs, plus sweetener–brown sugar, maple syrup, spices or no spices, a SMALL amount of brandy or whisky, or maybe even an orange flavored liqueur or dark rum, whatever your taste suggests might be good; pour into a pie crust and bob’s your uncle!

  3. “The objective is to prepare for a period of months soon to come when feel is all you will have to work with. Think of it as a project to acquire unconventional wisdom”.Thank you, Len – this is wonderful.
    I am fascinated by this (sweetie) pie talk. I love the way you talk about cakes and pies in the US. But where does the potato bit come in? is it part of the pastry?

  4. Who knew there were so many versions of Sweet Potato Pie! Up here in Yankeeland, it’s a novelty. Zerocity, what does the lemon do? I use potato, raw sugar, cream and lots of vanilla, eggs, and meringue. There my secret recipe! Will someone draw us a pie chart. Squares, conjunctions, oppositions?

    Y’all sent me on the trail of Pallas. What do I see today but she and Uranus ganged up on my Natal Arachne. That feels like a sticky web to negotiate. I think I’ll stay in bed for the rest of Aquarius.

  5. Zerosity, love your idea for lemon meringue pie for Leo. My Leo hubby’s favorite pie! You are onto something there.

  6. Little late to the discussion. . .as usual. For me the Sweet Potato pie would be the southern version – no spices, just lots of lemon, butter and buttermilk (the one I make every Thanksgiving).

    I suggest lemon meringue or a lemon custard for Leo. Perhaps Key Lime for Aries, the door to the year? Pear and cranberry with an almond crust for Libra? Autumn apple a crumb topping and cheddar cheese in the crust for Virgo?

    I like the idea of a zodiacal circle, holding hands. On either side one can develop a greater sense of the sign by feeling the energy, not just seeing it. Thanks, Len, for the feel good foodie post.


  7. Yes Len that would be wonderful.

    We always say that if people find a cherry stone in our jam, or some other ‘surprise’, we invite them to make a wish! (And replace/exchange if necessary!)

  8. Sounds like a bake-off is in order! I’ll bake the pie for February and in true Uranian style, it will be a surprise. Only organic of course.

  9. oh Greenstargazer…just read about your pecan pie…I am in a different time zone so it appeared as mine posted.
    I am off to rethink Libra’s pie now

  10. This is a great post Len! Thank you.
    I felt I looked at my own chart with refreshed eyes after reading your wonderful imagery.

    I loved the pie discussion and had wanted to bag the berry pie for Libra but eco11 has claimed it for April/Aries…I can live with that. Libra will have pecan pie with a warm vanilla custard…mmm!

    I hear the Uranian call Divacarla and miaferolato. I have Uranus conjunct my Ascendant in the 1st…tough when young but an asset with increasing age. Yes bring on the revolutionary changes. Ur moving into Aries was like the cavalry coming to my rescue , after 7 soggy and cloudy years in Pisces.

    Diva Carla – thank you for your Uranian view on knowing/not knowing..I can totally relate to this
    All through life I have held strong opinions/had careers and work which were right for a time but then ,at some later point ( usually after therapy, or spiritual work ) would become ‘not right’ and a new way had to be born.

  11. Dear Len,
    You’ve given me the biggest KEY ever!!!! Pallas sits in good company for strategy in my chart: with Mercury one degree to the north, and Saturn one degree to the south (all in Scorpio in the 12th)…all of them are “squared off” with my good buddy Mars though the square is wide-ish at 5-7 degrees for the group. I’ve always been so mystified as to how Saturn and Mercury could ever collaborate together with Mars always seeming to sabotage from his 3rd house position (foot in mouth dis-ease, so to speak).

    I’ve always had a great kinship with Pallas when I studied her in the myths but I had forgotten this bit about her and Mars!!! And I had forgotten her crucial placement in my chart. I’ll call on her more actively now to help mitigate with her two companions and perhaps between the three of them I can learn how to work more productively and eloquently with a more tempered and well-matched Mars. Truth be told, my Mars is really happiest when he has a job to do and can just get on with doing it…perhaps it is stodgy Saturn that is really the one who holds things in check too much and that does not please Mr. Mars….nooooo, not one bit. So, not only do I need Pallas to help keep Mars going the right direction, but I need her to help “warm” up my rather fearful (sometimes) Saturn..and yes, I know…asking Pallas to be “warm” is a bit of a stretch… but I suspect she’s rather comfortable with the Ringed One, and he with her… they probably sneak away for a good glass of Madeira when I’m not looking!

    I cannot thank you enough for this….this is huge for me!

    I’d make you a whole Pecan pie made from Maple syrup and send it to you if I could… sweetness and nutty wisdom all in a oner!

    PS.. I’ll second the Strawberry creame…for Taurus, right?

  12. With Pisces rising, I absolutely second that emotion DivaCarla, woohoo! Sweet potato pie with just a hint of whiskey flavor and some whip cream on top! Yum!

    Susyc, you can make the Pisces Rising Sweet potato pie, Pisces Sun has meringue and extra vanilla extract (made from vanilla beans and vodka).

    I’ll have a piece of both.

  13. Pam: Thank you. If memory serves, the broad bean (or something like it) is also part of Mardi Gras tradition. Epiphany through food. Hopefully, this year, there will be an epiphany to divert military expenditures to feeding those who do not have enough food. That would be a revolution worthy of Uranus and its Promethean spirit.

  14. Minced meat for Scorpio sounds perfect GreenStarGazer! Rich, dark, spicy and filling, like many Scorpio peeps I am sure. And Eco11, strawberry cream pie is perfect for a springtime sign. Keep the ideas coming people! So much fun.

  15. can each slice have a feve so everyone gets a surprise (feve is the ‘broad bean’ now ceramic put in the almond tart 6 jan to celebrate the coming of the Kings in (catholic?) Europe). If you get the feve you get to choose a queen (or king) for the event and wear a paper hat (crown))

    Len I realised the other day I used you in a general way that is open to misinterpretation. I meant you as in anyone. Sorry about that!


  16. aword: Thank you for being so kind, so aware, so sublime. Aristotle got nothing on you.

    Green-Star-gazer: Ah yes, Mars. Thank you for mentioning Mars. It has been acting up something fierce all over the field. Sure has kicked my backside lately. Gotta call on Pallas, Mars never defeated Pallas, she had the psych on him. Also, thank you for your motion to make minced meat the Scorpio pie – do we have a second to that motion, please?

  17. I also love the pie analogy. How do we see our neighbors and ourselves in them?

    I imagine strawberry cream pie for April.

  18. Beautiful imagery, as always…thank you Len. Having a very hard-aspected and energized Mars in Aquarius who is being conjoined with himself as we speak, this article really hits home. My Mars has never really known how to fit in as he never feels like he’s comfortable with the collective…he takes that Aquarian energy and pushes it forwards every chance he gets…and that gets me in trouble sometimes! (or at least it used to)

    I love the Pie Zodiac idea…may I humbly suggest Minced meat for Scorpio…it seasonally traditional as well as verbally so!

  19. Feeling my way. As we speak, Len. As we speak.

    In the meantime, I’ll gladly join the Uranian tribe (in honor of our group-loving AQ sun) seeing as how my natal at 8 Leo is near trine the transiting Uranus which is near conj natal Moon/Eris (8 Aries). That’s enough Uranian energy for this Piscean to imagine sharing that sweet potato pie; whiskey, cream and all.

    Many thanks too Len, for the hand-holding around the astro-world visual. I now “see” my natal Pluto opposing natal Sun in a different light. Another aspect of that is realizing that – per Be and being touchy-feely myself – “seeing” across the room might be a more difficult task than feeling the essence of what’s right next to me. (And right now natal Sun is smak-dab in the middle of transiting Sun and transiting Uranus. I can reach out’n’touch’em.)

    All more/good/better astro-teach.
    Thank you.

  20. With Pisces rising, I absolutely second that emotion DivaCarla, woohoo! Sweet potato pie with just a hint of whiskey flavor and some whip cream on top! Yum!

  21. In all fairness to you, Len, when Uranus lobs its gifts over the wall, one way to miss it is to see something I don’t want, aka “bad”. I speak from experience.

  22. DivaCarla: Well said and fair enough, right you are. Also love the idea of Sweet Potato Pisces Pie – do we have a second to the motion anybody?

    Mia: Also well said (and visionary). Community is the way to go.

  23. The Uranian tribe would do well to locate their fellow tribe members. That would allow others the time to develop at their own speed.

    Calling all Uranians!

  24. Hold your horses, Len. I don’t hold with unscrutable as bad. It means unknown and unknowable or hard to know, and I want to know. I know the unexpected is coming, and it comes with goodies. I just don’t want to miss it because I don’t understand it… until I see its backside blow past me… too late!

    Maybe because Aquarius is my solar 12th house, and I’m still trying to sort the mystery of why I am so attracted to that with I do not understand and does not understand me. A recipe for frustration and worse. Yes, I stand beside Aquarius, and I can only catch a glance in peripheral vision. Who is this intimate neighbor holding my very hand?

    I vote for sweet potato pie for Pisces. I’ll make it.

  25. KathyC: You are welcome. Thank you for your generous appraisal.

    sucyc: Thank you. Love the idea of a pie for each sign. What you describe for Cancer sure sounds appropriate. Maybe we should have vote to determine the type of pie for each sign and/or house – that would be fun. Yes, the warmth of your heart does come through in all of your comments.

    be: Thank you for filling in the details surrounding the Sun-Uranus conjunction this coming March, interesting huh? Confirming your take on it, yes, Uranus was in late Gemini (24+ degrees) when it was discovered, and (get this) opposed by Mars (where “March” comes from) to the degree.

    DivaCarla: Thank you. i love your take on it, but “inscrutable” might be a tad judgmental,
    don’t you think? Try it this way. Just because something is not “in your blood” does not make it bad, just different. We all should try something different once in a while, it could awaken a wonderful potential that had been latent. How does that work for you?

    Mia: You make a very good point. There is a tribe of people for whom it is normal to see through Uranus eyes. That’s the wonderful thing about human beings. When Uranus was discovered, it may have been different, but there were people ready to embrace it, even if they did not recognize they were ready. It’s like the band Nirvana, the world did not know they were holding space, waiting for Kurt and his band to come along, but when they did come along, a lot of people recognized themselves in the music. Then again, it will take a while before most people get there.

  26. And what if seeing through the eyes of Uranus is normal for a person?
    Personally, I am ready for a revolution. I hope it arrives by spring.

    Thank you Len.

  27. Gosh this is interesting Len. Uranus representing a state of not knowing what you don’t know, and then knowing it, and still not knowing, because it is so out of one’s world view. So, other that being aware, and open to things that don’t fit, blips in the matrix so to speak, what are the clues? Is it as inscrutable as I am feeling it, or is it easy? Do I ask to have Uranus colored glasses so I can be aware of that which is so unexpected as to be dismissable, unseen in plain sight?

  28. Great imagery Len. . holding hands in a circle and best seeing the one opposite you. You are such a good teacher. Although I’m wired for the feely kind of perception, there is much to learn from visual contact, even by me! I hadn’t consciously thought about how soon it was after the USA became a democracy that Uranus was discovered either. I suppose it was still in Gemini then or maybe early Cancer.

    Such an awful lot going on this March, what with Saturn in Scorpio sextile Pluto on one side and Mercury sextile Pluto on the other side all at the same time. And now the Sun conjunct Uranus, plus Venus and Mars all entering Aries (although Sun-Mars not conjunct each other until mid April), promises quite a lot of initiatives. There is also the re-inactment of the solstice yod when Jupiter reaches the point where he is quincunx both Saturn and Pluto again. Even then, he will only be 2 degrees from the U.S. Sibly Uranus, so ample opportunity this Spring to get into the feely style of perception. Meanwhile we slog through the winter blues with the help of this consciousness, although unconventional, opportunity you have found for us. Many thanks!

  29. Thank you so much Len! Love your comparison of the pie chart of the signs to 12 people standing in a circle. It would be fun to assign a type of pie to each sign. I pick maple cream pie with just a hint of nutmeg for Cancer!!!

    Interesting how the ones closest to you in the circle are possibly the ones you are likely to know the least…Eye contact is such an important way of getting to know others. For me, it’s a primary way of expressing my goodwill towards others, but also gathering information about their goodwill (or lack thereof) towards me. Some people’s goodwill towards me seems iffy until they are able to see mine reflecting towards them and then they warm up quite quickly. Some people have no goodwill to offer and are not safe. Walking tall and strong and a firm fearless bit of eye contact has come in useful with those folks.

    The warmth of the eyes of your heart comes through loud and clear (to mix metaphors) in your writing, Len. I hope you can feel the warmth of mine. Thank you so much.

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