Try It On – Venus enters Leo

On Thursday at 10:48 am EDT, Venus enters Leo. Venus’ move from Cancer to Leo will symbolize a good time to try some things on. Now is a good time to think about what those things will be.

Astrology by Len Wallick

It does not have to be actual clothing, although that would work. Neither does it need to be something new, although that would not hurt. The objective is to notice what things are finding you, what keeps trying to get your attention, and to give your attention in return by trying them on.

To paraphrase shamanic astrologer Sheila Belanger, you should try on the idea that planets are archetypes, acting as players in your life. That means see Venus as part of your life. For most of us, that part will have something to do with the phenomenon and principles of attraction.

According to Robert Hand, “Venus rules the spontaneous power of attraction.” If you try that idea on and consider how the phenomenon of attraction spontaneously appears in your life, you will have also found where Venus appears in your life. That is the first step, and taking it makes Venus as real for you as part of your body. The next step is to correlate where Venus is with what it is wearing. Determining what Venus is wearing means first observing where it is.

Once again paraphrasing Sheila Belanger, if a planet is acting a part in your life, then the sign that planet occupies is its costume. The costume, in turn, largely defines the actor’s role. Because of a long retrograde cycle, Venus wore the costume of Gemini from the first week of April to the first week of August. If the role of attraction in your life got a little threadbare as July drew to a close, that correlates with where Venus was and for how long. After the first week of August, Venus was wearing a new sign, Cancer.

With its ingress to Cancer on August 7, Venus was not only in a new costume, it was back up to speed. Being back up to speed means Venus will change its costume every 25 days or so for the foreseeable future. Thursday’s entry to Leo resumes the customary rhythm for Venus. That’s how today is your cue to try that on with how attraction functions in your life. What you will be trying on promises to be a good fit.

Leo represents a costume that is compatible with the archetype of attraction. The fire element associated with Leo harmonizes well with the air element of Libra, which Venus rules. The fixed quality of Leo is the same as that of Taurus, the other sign Venus rules. The Sun, ruler of Leo, is the brightest of the luminaries, just as Venus is the brightest planet. The power of attraction that Venus represents is what the self-oriented consciousness of Leo seeks in asserting its energy, much as the Sun does, to make itself known in the world.

As Venus approaches Leo over the next few days, therefore, take note of what is appearing without any special effort on your part. If that pair of shoes keeps showing up wherever you look, try them on. If you keep running into that person or group of people wherever you go, spend some time with them. If that song seems to keep playing, try singing it yourself. That’s how to get yourself ready for Venus in Leo and how to know what fits you best come Thursday.

Offered In Service

25 thoughts on “Try It On – Venus enters Leo”

  1. Len thank you for the creative snap-perspective of the up and coming. It’s welcome to my 11th- Venus, Goddess of Love, power of attraction.

    Although calls “the modern 11th house a turbulent and changing field.” Other resources say I may be sourcing deeper values, sounds like friendships are important, good fortune and creative vision tied to social change. I have my natal planet Mercury sitting in the middle of sign so turning up the volume in communication then hopefully means Venus will help me to take and speak my passion effectively. Humanitarian effort is my goal so we shall see…
    artshopluc: happy birthday and good for you. Sounds like with your intention and stars aligned, you are sure to be a hit!

    be, hilarious thanks for sharing your gifts they are so many – you add so much to my learning and this community.

    Huffy same feeling and experience as you… and my natal Venus is also in Gemini and Saturn has been harsh in Libra last 2.5 years, but think he is going away soon. Arrivederci -Phew!

  2. Thank you Susy for your most beautifully felt offering. Perfect I imagine for the late Venus in Cancer tide. I cried when I read through it- twice. Happy anniversery!
    Len, as always you light the path so well reminding me of where we are and where the action is.
    Friday is my bday. As a Virgo I usually stay quiet, and make art in the studio to set my intention for the year. But with a Leo midheaven at 0, and Venus very near by natally, Mars and Pluto further along in conjunction, this year I will be doing a public performance piece. You cannot imagine how very nervous I am, It’s been decades since I did anything like this- and even that was music but this is art! I had thought it was/is love that roped me in but now I am wondering if it wasn’t Venus playing? So I am crossing my fingers that when the time comes, all that Leo will take stage, leaving the peaceful Virgo to wait in the wings.

  3. What is curious Len I did not felt the Venus opposition has my Saturn. Usually this passage is felt like a cold shower, even if the change has occurred, it has not accepted my attention. ES – this what it means what I changed vibration level to the so-called influence of this make – you. Even if it took place it was not considered as major in my mind…

    I wish you Len a wonderful week and happy Venus in Leo 🙂

  4. Thank you so much, dearest Len. Actually, I was hazarding an uneducated astrological guess. My Mars is in Virgo, Venus in Gemini. But I was born the last day of Cancer and it feels as if I’m getting hammered by Saturn – apart from the emotional stuff, after all my efforts this year I haven’t been able to improve my work/money situation, everything is stuck, and am still in a place of fear and uncertainty. But I’m working with it.

  5. Oh, this is beautiful, and I like it. I am overloaded with it whatever it is right now, so I am going out to light a brush fire and hope for an aurora to glimmer before the moon rises too high. I’d wait for Venus to jump fiery Leo, but it’s going to rain Thursday and I need to move that energy out on that rock now. I’ll be back to normal in a couple of days, and you’ll have more insightful and poetic astrological reporting for that time, Len.

  6. be: Thank you so very much. Your briliiance (both as an astrologer and a humorist) outshines Venus itself. To poor Mr. Clint (with compassion): If the shoe fits, Clint, then hang it up, i’ll keep a chair waiting for you.

  7. be: No Venus! Not another pair of shoes!
    Empty Chair: But Len said to try them on and. . .
    be: That’s not what he meant Venus. . . well, I mean, he was trying to explain . . he was giving an example. . .
    Empty Chair: sniff, sniff, (tears well up. . . she’s still in the sign Cancer don’t forget)
    be: Look Venus, I’m sorry, I know Saturn was mean to you today and yes, you do deserve better than that from him when he’s in your house. . . and for so long too! Look darling, you just have a few days left in Cancer, and well, maybe you should make some of those potato pancakes everyone loves. . .
    Empty Chair: (under breath, ohhh kaaay. .)
    be: Just think about it Venus; you will get to Leo just as the President is making his acceptance speech, or whatever they call it, at the Democrat’s convention, and what fun THAT will be. . . and remember his Mercury is very early in Leo too. Just picture how beautiful you can make him sound with Mercury as your partner!
    Empty Chair: Yeah. . . . . I could do that. . . . yeah, and there will be a BIG audience, and cameras and, and EVERYBODY will love it too. I will make sure of that!
    be: That’s my girl, now go put on your apron and help me fix supper.

    Truly Len, it was a lovely offering today, but I wish you had used something other than SHOES! She has too many already; some she’s never even worn. Still, she’s only in my sign for a few days more, so maybe she deserves a pretty going-away something. I’ll think about it.

  8. mia: You are most welcome (and tahnk you for acknowledging Susy)

    mystes: Thank you for keeping us up to date, for your valuable teachings, and for your kind words. The orthodox, esoteric and hierarchical ruler of Leo is the Sun. That does not mean Venus is not in the mix somewhere, like on one of your son’s primary angles. Sun says a lot, but does not say it all. Also, please remember that Mars is Venus bait.

    starrynight: Thank you. If i read you correctly you were referring to transiting Mars in Libra (where it is no more) squaring your natal Venus in Cancer. Well, that’s over and Mars is now in Scorpio, a water trine to Cancer. Of course, once Venus speeds into Leo, it will briefly (repeat: briefly) apply to square Mars again before closing the gap. So, the first suggestion is same as to Huffy, find a safe, sober way to blow off steam. Second suggestion is to move on like Mars did and accept yourself as you beautifully are. Third suggestion (also as mentioned to Huffy), patience. Mercury, Venus and Mars move fast, any adverse transit will not last, and if Chiron is not a gas, remember it’s not so much the inconvenience in the short run, it’s the benefic in the long run. Pleae, does that work for you?

    Brendan: Thank you for a complement i will cherish for days on end.

    Kelly, Carrie, and Sarah: My sincere thanks to you as well.

  9. Huffy: Thank you. If i read you correctly you are referring to transiting (or current) Venus in square aspect to your natal Mars in Libra. That would mean you recently had a Mars return before Mars moved on to Scorpio (where it is now). The first question is whether you have had a chance to “blow off the steam” of the Mars return. If not, that would be the first step to (as you put it) moving on. If you have had that chance to vent in recent weeks, then it a matter of patience as Venus gradually catches up to merge with Mars in Aries next April, restarting their cycle.

    Susy: Thank you for sharing a well-crafted and well-timed tribute of sheer literary beauty. May your anniversary celebration lat the entire year.

  10. Mystes, Huffy, Thank you for the much needed word of encouragement. Mystes, I think you’re on target – some focused physical effort should help. I can at least do 30 minutes on the elliptical if nothing else. Daily. Add some weight training to that as well. Susyc- poetry always helps! Congrats on 36 years!

  11. Interesting thoughts, Len, very interesting indeed, and so written. In many ways I’ve been a bit of a rut for the last several weeks – may be this will mix in good ways with my Leo ascendant in the coming days. A break from the same ol’, same ol’ would very beneficial right now.

  12. Yeah, Starrynight, that set up sounds like boiling fog with gush thrown in. Lawdy. If I were laboring in your place, I’d be looking to trim or dis/re-connect that Neptune influence. See if you can find a way to draw in some physical clarity. Doesn’t have to be strenuous, but yes requiring body/mind cooperation. Walk a real labyrinth (not one of the flat jobs); go horseback riding; climb a *really* big tree. Something that takes about an hour of focused, physical engagement.

    Not just a walk, where you drift off in your mind – something that takes your whole attention. Tightrope walking? Along those lines.

    That’s my Rx. You’ll come up with others. Good luck, doll…

  13. Hang on in there starrynight! I’ve gone back to some very dark places that I thought I’d left behind on my long journey. But this alchemy process is cyclical – we go round and round, rehashing old stuff, till it eventually (one hopes) loses its hold over us.
    Mystes, have been really thinking of you. A friend of mine who now lives in Cairo suffered toxic fumes poisoning, so I know how horrific it is. I’m glad your kick the shit outta energy is getting you through it.

  14. P.S. when Transit Venus moves into Leo to conjunct my natal Moon and Pluto, Mars will still be squaring my natal Venus in Cancer. Hope the 8th house hit from Venus in Leo isore help than hindrance. Anyone? Thanks Len for the good work you do.

  15. Been wondering what the f&$ks going on. That Mars in Libra squaring my natal Venus in Cancer might explain it. It’s probably also squaring my natal Mars in Cap? Help! While it conjuncts my natal Neptune in Libra. A real cluster. Then throw Chiron and Moon and Neptune transits into the mix. I need some help. I just got mule kicked early last week and still struggling. Any suggestions?

  16. Len, thank you for reminding me of the garment analogy. It helps with cultivating detachment, a quality I find myself feigning, but only. . .

    And am I misremembering that Venus also rules Leo? I think of my son as Venus bait. And given the maiden-attention lavished on him in public, so do others.

    (It is pretty funny to ride a bus with him or go shopping… young women turn like sunflowers toward him. It’s non-stop.)

  17. Huffy, I’m with you. While it sounds like your Venus has been smacked around by the Venus/Mars square, in my world it is going the other direction. The sheer volume of energy it took to move my family/household out of San Marcos ( to Austin and through the various waystations ) didn’t just collapse once I got us in this apartment. It continued/continues to stream through me, but with warrior accents. Instead Mars to Venus flow, it has been Mars to Venus. Big time.

    Which means I can become reactive and somewhat belligerent. Fortunately I have a few good friends who do not fear to call me down.

    But where that square leaves off, the other BIG one –Pluto/Uranus– still uses Cancer as it’s escape valve. I struggle to keep that astral configuration in mind and consider its ongoing characteristics as I seek to serve as a kind of flute for that bellows. Not easy. I slip. Alot.

    But never boring, my dear.


    And Suzy, what a gift! Thank you!! So luscious –in a dry sort of way *8D– I’m sure it was well received by the honoree.

  18. you read me

    you read me under the covers
    you read me between the sheets
    you caress my spine
    and embossed gold title
    you keep your place
    with delicate slippery satin ribbon
    you slide your fingers
    inside my gilt edged leaves
    and gently open them
    one at a time
    you unfold my creases and
    dog-eared corners
    you stroke my pages
    feel my print slightly raised
    above my thirsty parchment
    and seek the deepest
    part of me
    you draw your fingers
    along the translucent thinness
    of my onion skin pages
    you read what is written
    and what is not
    in the negative space
    around my letters
    you’ve read me from
    before time and forever
    in clay tablets, papyrus
    bamboo, leaves, wood,
    wax, vellum
    in me you wander
    you are lost
    you are traveling
    you are found
    in me you read with
    the eyes of your heart
    in me you read with the eyes of your soul

    Susy Crandall 8/26/12
    a 36th anniversary poem for my Leo husband

  19. “As Venus approaches Leo over the next few days, therefore, take note of what is appearing without any special effort on your part”. Thanks dearest Len, will keep my eyes and ears trained – Venus in Cancer squaring Mars in Libra has been tough – am looking forward to moving on.

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