Towards A Happy Landing — Taurus Solar Eclipse

The Taurus solar eclipse at 2:14 am EDT Tuesday closes the two-week cycle that opened with a Libra lunar eclipse on April 15. If you begin with the respective sign elements (air for Libra, earth for Taurus), it is reasonable and useful to interpret this particular eclipse cycle as you having taken wing at the beginning, and flying now in order to manage a happy landing next week.

Astrology by Len Wallick

In support of the air travel metaphor, first consider how the April 15 lunar eclipse represented a discernible starting point in reference to the landmarks represented by other eclipses.

During the Libra lunar eclipse last week, the Sun and Moon occupied precisely the same degree of exactly the same signs (albeit with places reversed) as during the Aries lunar eclipse of Oct. 18, 2013. That’s one landmark in your life.

Additionally, the phenomenon of two successive lunar eclipses, six months apart, differentiated only by the Sun and Moon having reversed places, last took place almost exactly 18 years ago. That’s another landmark (assuming you are sufficiently over 18 years of age to remember).

If you have located two landmarks, representing two angles in a triangle, the third and final angle represents your position. In other words, with a bit of memory and a little thought, you can arrive at a good understanding of where on the map of your life your current flight began last week.

During your flight, you are, of course, encountering a grand cardinal cross unprecedented in this century. One axis of the grand cross (connecting retrograde Mars in Libra with the opposing Aries lair of Uranus) appears so far to have represented the necessity for some sudden course corrections in response to unexpected conditions. The challenge in those course corrections has been to make them efficiently so as not to run out of fuel before a safe landing place can be found.

The other axis of the grand cardinal cross (Jupiter’s last leg through Cancer opposing retrograde Pluto in Capricorn) appears, so far, to be rather subtle in its manifestation, with the results more probably evident after landing. First, however, you must land safely in the metaphorical sense.

In the literal, tangible world of material consequences, in order to land safely, you must first locate a safe landing place. Then, you must have a working definition of what a safe landing is.

One time-honored definition of a good landing is that which you can walk away from in one piece. Hence, a reasonable objective: to be in at least as good a condition next Tuesday as you were at the beginning of last week. Therefore, do what you have to do, but don’t gamble, get reckless, be careless, get intoxicated, or indulge undue distraction tomorrow, over the weekend and all through Monday. Can do.

As far as where you want to be physically, mentally, emotionally and/or spiritually after Tuesday, it’s more problematic. Unlike the Libra lunar eclipse that correlated with your takeoff on April 15, the Taurus solar eclipse on April 29 does not offer quite the same precision of using previous eclipses as landmarks in your life to triangulate with.

Nevertheless, you may anticipate something in general by considering the nature of the ground where the immediately previous solar eclipse (of Nov. 3, 2013) left you and how you would want to improve on that. In addition, if you are old enough (and if memory serves), something that began with the solar eclipse of April 29, 1995, is now coming full circle to closure.

Beyond those general guidelines, however, it will be necessary to approach next Tuesday with a clear eye and a steady hand, and to make your own happy landing.

If there ever was a time to see the world as it is and not as you are, it’s now. Neither will wishful thinking serve you now. Nor will fear contribute to the quality of your life, the expansion of your liberty, or the happiness of a landing you can walk away from.

Instead, proceed with the sure and certain knowledge that a happy landing is available, because it is. Then, beginning right now, use all that your life’s experience has given you to locate (not envision this time, but actually locate) where you want to be when you walk away from next Tuesday. In all probability, you are already very close.

Finally, go there. Point your life towards the destination you have located and go there. This is not landing on a distant, unexplored planet. This is your life on the only planet you have ever known. Trust yourself. So long as you are not intoxicated or distracted, trust yourself to know good and well what to do, and how to get it done.

In all probability a happy landing will mean taking care of what are almost certainly a few simple and straightforward (but nonetheless urgent) pieces of business that you know very well you can handle with dispatch. If you can discern and manage just a few down-to-earth tasks, a happy landing onto a new patch of your life will most likely be yours. You will know you have made it by how good it will feel to still be here in one piece.

Offered In Service

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

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8 thoughts on “Towards A Happy Landing — Taurus Solar Eclipse”

  1. SaraVictoria, Lea, KathyC, aword, be, Carrie, and DivaCarla: My failure to acknowledge and thank you for your comments since last week was not because i was nsick over the weekend this time. Thankfully i was not sick. Rather i chose to be in action away from home and offline for a good and worthy reason over the last several days. Please accept my grateful acknowledgement and heartfelt thanks now.

  2. Len, so grateful for the way you are pointing out the pattern of the cosmos, and showing me how to find the cosmic pattern influences in my own life. I think you are right on with choosing where I want to land and the direction I want to go when my feet start moving after the solar eclipse. My practice, akin to what Be refers to in “refining”, is to decide very clearly who I want to be when I emerge on the other side. If the GCC was a crucible, then the eclipse will let me pour off the pure Self who has the courage to land and go where I am headed. it’s not different than I’ve been headed for a long time, though my fear and other interference can burn away. The eclipse 6 months ago, I was in a sweat lodge. Lots of burning there. It has been a 6 month fire!

  3. I wonder if those lunar eclipses – 6 months apart – reversing the positions of Sun and Moon are a means to experience life from both sides of some issue. You know Len, yin and yang. In October we experienced the solar side of 25+ Libra in an Aries lunar eclipse context and this month we felt the lunar influence of 25+ Libra in a lunar eclipse. Even the Sabian Symbol for 26 Libra is about “Yang-Yin interplay”, so Dane Rudhyar tells us in An Astrological Mandala. The image of an eagle and a large white dove changing into each other, when rotating fast (like a weathervane on a very windy day I guess), implies a blending of polarized energies (fierce eagle, gentle dove) that rise above their differences to reach a new level of consciousness. This last six months has whizzed by and indeed, for me anyway, the circumstances are much the same now as they were then. Except. . . .

    A lot has happened. Admittedly, I have gained a different perspective on a couple of things such as the situation of my friend who has cancer, and my relationship (or lack of same) with my downstairs neighbor who left 4 years ago and has now returned. Things have changed. The nodes were in Scorpio and Taurus back in October and now they are in Libra and Aries. In both cases they were close enough to the eclipsed Moon but it was the south node in October associated with the eclipse and it was the north node this month. The implied symbolism would be one of release (fixed south node) from the Moon’s perspective in October, while the node’s associated with this month’s Libra eclipsed Moon implies opportunity (cardinal north node). And so it was and is.

    In both cases (the lunar eclipses in October and April), an exact square (one of a series) between Uranus and Pluto followed shortly after and came before the following solar eclipse. It could be viewed as a bookend effect as aword suggests, but not so much matchy-matchy bookends. More a unified theme such as the front and back of a centaur maybe, or a divided house or a mom on one end and a pop on the other end. To me it seems most like steps in a process (lather, rinse, repeat) in order to transition from one state to a more desired state. A refining process that can’t be rushed without sacrificing something important, but can’t be delayed too long either. Once you start it you can’t quit until its finished. Like alchemy.

    Once again you got me thinking (and seeing beyond my nose) Len. Many thanks.

  4. Ah, there are some pieces of unfinished business I desire to finish, but obligations, resources and opportunity face conflict. Ce la vie! I will land what I can and anticipate there is still room for adjustment post arrival.

    April 1995 is clear in memory, but I’m not in finding the other bookend. I figure that means I need to turn on a search light and see what might turn up. A pair of bookends is more useful than one.

    Thank you Len. Wonderful and much appreciated as always.

  5. Seatbelt fastened.
    Some major financial interactions are overdue. I am ready.
    Safe travels and landing to all.

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