Thresholds of Integrity — Mars Into Virgo

Mars crosses from Leo into Virgo at 7:05 am EDT Tuesday to disclose thresholds of integrity. Whether you cross into greater or lesser integrity will depend on how you respond to probable new discoveries that may alter your awareness. Conventional awareness correlates a Martian ingress into mutable earth (Virgo) with admonishments to be productive, with a kind of physical pragmatism. The potential this time around, however, looks to be very unconventional because of the initial aspects the red planet will make from new ground.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Mars will land on Virgo ground next week in an immediate earth trine to the Taurus toehold of minor planet 1992 QB1, which is retrograde. Simultaneously, Mars will open a functional in-sign opposition to retrograde Neptune on the threshold of Pisces.

It has been a long time since Mars has made either of those aspects to either of those objects upon landfall to Virgo, much less both at once. When Mars last left Leo behind for virgin fields in November 2011, Neptune had just returned to direct motion in Aquarius. In addition, you must go back to the first half of the 20th Century for the last time 1992 QB1 was traversing an earth sign. 

Hence, the next Virgo incursion for Mars implies how you, and everybody else at once, are about to discover some things that may never have been discovered before. Furthermore, those disclosures will probably lead you across thresholds never crossed before to yet further discoveries, which is subject matter that correlates directly with 1992 QB1.

As Eric has noted, the discovery of 1992 QB1 was the threshold to an avalanche of further discoveries by astronomy. Scores of objects, many orbiting even farther from the Sun, even now continue to be found over 21 years after we realized there was more out past Neptune than just Pluto. With those findings has come an entirely different awareness of our solar system, making 1992 QB1 symbolic of thresholds for astrology.

Further proving correspondence with its implied symbolism, witness what happened when 1992 QB1 changed signs for the first time since its discovery on the Aries Point. On May 18, the trans-Neptunian object we’ve known about the longest, which is still without a proper name, entered Taurus. Almost immediately thereafter came an avalanche of disclosures from Edward Snowden, which even now continue to carry us over a threshold into an entirely different awareness of our world. 

1992 QB1’s current retrograde motion will carry it back to Aries on Oct. 21. It will return to Taurus for the long run on March 26 next year. Before revisiting the sign of its discovery (not incidentally a sign ruled by Mars), this prototypical cubewano (as in: Q-B-1-oh) has one major aspect left in it, a trine to Mars. From that trine, further disclosures with their consequential impact on your awareness may well flow.

Trine aspects are (among other things) about flow, connecting objects in the same degree of different signs that share the same elemental identity (fire, earth, air or water). The common element serves as if to conduct the energies of objects in trine like a wire efficiently conducts the flow of electricity to and from very different and distant places.

Since Mars often manifests in your life as energy incarnate, the earthly expression of 1992 QB1 should receive a big charge on Tuesday. Whether that charge will serve to support or undermine integrity will depend on how a concurrent Martian opposition, to Neptune, is handled. Like most oppositions, there is an inherent polarity of potential.

On one hand, the courageous and energizing assets of Mars could conceivably manifest to support the more creative attributes of Neptune. That more fortunate potential would serve you, and all of us at once, very well where few or none have gone before.

On the other hand is the distinct possibility that inflammatory Martian liabilities would enable the dissolute, deceptive and delusional proclivities that so often cause humans to become discouraged about both Neptune and humanity.

The key to a better outcome is to first realize you nearly always have a choice, and then realize what your privilege of choice means.

The Sun, Moon and planets have no choice. The cycles of the sky, whether real or apparent, simply follow their paths. The paths may combine to either repeat familiar correlations or coalesce into unprecedented correspondence. Either way, they are only cycles without cause or effect.

You, and all of us at once, are the agents that bring cause and effect into the world. You do it every time you make a choice, whether consciously or not. When you think about it, perhaps that is the initial discovery that will serve as the threshold to the better potentials to be found in the unprecedentedly simultaneous aspects Mars will make to 1992 QB1 and Neptune upon its next entrance to Virgo.

What’s more, if you choose to think about that discovery next Tuesday, in conscious synchronicity with cosmic motion, that simple choice may have the effect of disclosing another threshold. That disclosure in turn may lead to another, entirely different awareness of your true power and proper place in the universe. When faced with that awareness, how could you help but make any further choices with anything less than greater integrity than ever before? Finally, how can crossing into greater integrity help but result in a very different world? Those are questions worth asking, and choices worth making, when Mars makes its move next week.  

Offered In Service

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

8 thoughts on “Thresholds of Integrity — Mars Into Virgo”

  1. Rereading this just now, I had the sensation that I’d missed the “download.” And yet, as Taurus is on my Midheaven, if there were to be a download, it would have a distinct resonance for the direction I’ve been working toward all this time. So I had to go back through my journals & emails to see whether anything of interest seemed to be hiding. And there it was in plain sight: a problem I’d never seen before, and hints at a significant solution to it.

    It actually makes me laugh; the degree to which this is so precisely a Mars/1992 QB1/Neptune manifestation is ridiculous. Thank you, Len. For drawing attention to the so-insanely-missable moments. This is beautiful.

  2. Wow, I’m so busy living out this week’s astrology that next Tuesday seems like a future incarnation. That said, knowing there is a threshold approaching I’ll keep my antennae up. Thanks Len!

  3. be: Thank you once again for sharing the observations from your mastery of the Sibly chart. i will likewise include your friend in my prayers.

    nilou: Thank you for your wise perspective on fredom and your erudite perspective regarding thresholds (also for your news links).

    PWOutsider: Welcome inside, we like having you here. Your observations are both welcome and pertinent. As i recall another astrologer saying years ago, if it is up there somewhere, it is in here somewhere.

  4. After reading your piece, Len, found this articles in my news app & thought u might be interested.

    “Astronomers have found a planet outside the solar system floating alone in space and not orbiting a star.

    The gaseous exoplanet, dubbed PSO J318.5-22, is 80 light years from Earth and has a mass only six times that of Jupiter. Having formed 12 million years ago, the planet is considered a newborn among its peers”.

    I know nothing about astronomy, astrology etc but this caught my eye for some reason.

  5. Thank you, Len.

    I love the word threshold. There is no threshold for me greater than crossing from illusion into the space of new possibilities: it begets a special freedom, even though this freedom is so often wrought through pain. A freedom that opens me up to new vulnerabilities; but also to greater strength, courage and integrity. And always, beyond one crossing, the next threshold starts its formation.

    Don’t think I’ll be ready by Tuesday! But much the delight of thresholds is that they find us when we are ready, not when we would like to think we are.

    “The word threshold was related to the word thresh, which was the separation of the grain from the husk or straw when oats were flailed. It also includes the notions of entrance, crossing, border, and beginning. To cross a threshold is to leave behind the husk and arrive at the grain.”
    – To Bless the Space Between Us: A Book of Blessings, by John O’Donohue

  6. Wow Len, this is great news! I’m leaning toward a positive opportunity with this pattern you so beautifully explained. For all of us of course, but for me and even more so, for the U.S.

    For me, or really for a friend of mine who has Cancer and his Sun is at 1 Pisces, it means an alternate choice of belief (attitude, direction) as today he heads to another state to see another Cancer specialist/surgeon. Presently he has been given only 6 months to live and the out-of-town doctor (the 2nd opinion option) had a much better prognosis (with his approach to my friend’s treatment) the last time he met with him. Oddly (or maybe not so odd at all) my friend has no other major aspects to major natal planets than this ongoing conjunction to his Sun from trans. Neptune. I will begin to add QB1’s threshold aspect (which sextiles his Sun as well as tran. Neptune) and Mars in my visioning and prayers. And thanks too for the heads up when QB1 returns to Aries.

    As for the U.S. I had just yesterday noted on Fe’s article that the U.S. natal (Sibly) Hades (one of the Uranian points) at 0+ Scorpio would get a transiting conjunction from Karma the asteroid right about the time transiting Mars will enter Virgo which (in my tunnel-vision-state) I’d not taken into consideration. This added, major-planet energy in a sextile to the U.S. Hades (whatever mess we don’t want to deal with but needs cleaning up) and a trine to transiting QB1 (threshold) could be the push-through-the-door we U.S. citizens have been holding our breath in anticipation of. Well, this citizen anyway.
    p.s. Just realized my friend’s Chiron is at 0 Capricorn, so trans. Mars and QB1 will form a grand earth trine for him in addition to benefiting his natal Pisces Sun. (It also goes a long way in explaining how he arrived at this point.)

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