The Sun As Well — Venus Conjunct Mars

What subtleties you sense this weekend during the Aries conjunction of Venus and Mars will anticipate what you can’t see yourself doing yet. That’s because the first merger of Venus and Mars since May of 2011 will be taking place on the other side of the Sun. The Sun will thus be conjoined as well, and that will make all the difference.

Astrology by Len Wallick

All conjunctions have two symbolic attributes. The first is a new cycle initiating for the conjoined objects. The second is a blending of the archetypes each participant represents.

The Sun brings something extra. It is what Robert Hand has called the “triggering function of the transiting Sun,” corresponding to a greater consciousness of energies receiving solar aspects.

Hence, the conjunction of Venus and Mars at 12:58 am EDT Sunday will be out of sight, but not out of mind. It would be nice to see silver-bright Venus cozy up to ruddy Mars. They don’t get together every year. Contrary to appearances, and thanks to the Sun, their collaboration this weekend will show up in less than obvious ways. Nevertheless, if you are aware, you will be able to tell. It will work according to how the nature of each planet comes together with your experience of life.

You can spot how Venus works as attraction and receptivity. When the good things you do are returned in kind, that’s the brightest planet just over your shoulder, working through you. The same synchronicity accounts for when your values are redeemed or reciprocated, often creating a bond in the process.

You can also either feel or observe the distinguishing energy of Mars as life in action. Whenever you push back against that which would diminish what you are, that’s the Martian miracle characteristic of all living things. Similarly, when you reach out from inside with vigor and intent to work your will in the world, it’s you starring as the red planet.

Conjoined in Aries, Venus and Mars are not exactly on equal footing. Mars rules Aries, and a certain sense of entitlement is evident when the ruddy one returns home every two years or so. A ruler alone in its castle, however, is plainly pathetic without a complement to subtly complete its creative potential.

Venus is that complement. Even adorned in Aries raiment, Venus gives the energy of Mars someplace to go and something to do beyond indiscriminate expression. Together, the active and receptive, the willful and the willing, both assert and nourish the continuation of the universe in ways evident only to those who make an effort to see what is not obvious.

As part of the universe, you may encounter the conjunction of Venus and Mars this weekend in many subtle ways. The most predictable way for those of the biological persuasion would be with somebody else whose urge to merge not only complements your own, but reciprocates to create a bond greater than the sum of its parts. By the same token, your imperative to express and assert may go beyond finding reception, to discovering vindication.

Regardless of how the unseen conjunction of the bright one and the red one manifests for you, please keep one thing in mind. What hints the Sun triggers this weekend will be consistent with what you will see more clearly when the current season reaches its climax to reveal Mars and Venus, brilliant in the dusk of the western sky.

The question is whether you will participate. You can. Working with the astrology behind the realities that will eventually shine in the sky means first making an effort to receive what only your subtler senses will pick up in the days to some. Doing that consciously will be the well from which you can draw a new cycle of life. What your senses bring up will trigger your mind’s eye, and what it sees will empower you to rise to the occasion of the months to come and do a little shining of your own.     

Offered In Service

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

10 thoughts on “The Sun As Well — Venus Conjunct Mars”

  1. Len,

    I’ve been curious about the meaning of the “new” centaur Orius, currently at 8+ Sagittarius and did some checking. We already knew that Phil Sedgwick found a Libra-Taurus theme in Orius’ path which links him to Venus which might also link him to the Venus-Mars conjunction on Sunday.

    He, Orius, also might be linked to the upcoming Lunar Eclipse on April 25 at 5+ Scorpio because he was discovered on 4/25/09, just after a New Moon at 5+ Taurus. Mr. Sedgwick uses such phrases as “focus on relationship priorities + goals and asperations”, distinguishing between “worth and worthiness”, and “you are not alone” in his summary on Orius.

    I looked up the ephemeris listings for 4/25/09 and found what to me was the most interesting possibility in Orius’ “discovery chart”; the rare period of time when Neptune, Chiron and Jupiter were conjunct in Aquarius. In orther words, the start of the new cycles of Neptune-Chiron, Neptune-Jupiter and Chiron-Jupiter. Presently, transiting Jupiter and transiting Chiron are just beginning to separate from their 1st square, so it is a “testing” time for Orius. I thought that might add to the possibilities of what this Sunday’s new Venus-Mars cycle portends, maybe a testing of what happens when healing conflicts with understanding in relationships.

    Just a thought.

  2. “The most predictable way for those of the biological persuasion would be with somebody else whose urge to merge not only complements your own, but reciprocates to create a bond greater than the sum of its parts.”

    Your reading my heart… this precise definition of partnership is my deepest wish and prayer to share one day.

    “By the same token, your imperative to express and assert may go beyond finding reception, to discovering vindication.”

    Yep. This week that boulder literally felt lifted, it rolled away on Wednesday. As if I was being lovingly lead following breadcrumbs (many that were dropped here, thank you PW) right up to that rock. Later in the evening although my feminine warrior came out when i finally confronted the bully this week… volcano -erupted. Then (emotionally, mentally and spiritually), I just let go effortlessly. Miraculously today, the beneficent emerged.

    Along with the Venus Mars conjunction in Aries expressing here, Transit Chiron is opposition Natal Pluto, Neptune conjunct Saturn exact today and tomorrow Mercury is conjunct Natal Chiron exact at 18. 30′ Pisces…I am receptive and listening for the hidden messages inside and out there.

    Thanks again to you dear Len!

  3. craig: You are very welcome.

    Darcy: You are most welcome as well.

    aword: That’s t ticket. Thank you.

    be: Thank you so very much once again for how current transits aspect the USA chart. Your note of the semi-square to Neptune is indeed a major scoop – Neptune as part of a semi-square is the very epitome of stealth, is it not? Thank yu again for being so very on the mark.

    Jude: It is for me to thank you as a source of inspiration.

  4. “the willful and the willing” … a perfect description of yin/yang. Thanks for yet another excellent post, kiddo!

  5. “A Young Girl Feeding Birds In Winter” Some planet was on 19+ Aries when I first read this Sabian Symbol not so long ago. Wish I could remember who it was but I can’t. The Keynote is “Overcoming crises through compassion.”

    I do know that the U.S. Sibly chart’s Chiron is at 20+ Aries and my fingers are crossed that this conjunction will start a new cycle of healing for all Americans. Chiron is in the U.S. 5th house of children and with a conjunction of Venus to Mars + the Sun’s “something extra” being consciousness, I’m betting it could mean that here in the U.S. our legislators will come to some agreement on how guns are sold. A little Venus compassion could go along way in curbing the insane Martian aggression that fuels the reptillian thinking of those that support the “don’t take my guns” campaign.

    Here’s another plus. Neptune, Venus’ higher octave, is transiting at 4+ Pisces, forming a not-so-minor semi-square to Venus and Mars. That could provide some serious compassion (as well as insanity) wouldn’t you think? Transiting Neptune is also in semi-square to U.S. Chiron which will be exact in early May. A semisquare is an aspect of elimination and initiation, and it releases and purges. Remember, transiting centaur Pholus (out of control) is opposite the U.S. Mars (guns) and square the U.S. Neptune (compassion or crazy), while transiting centaur Nessus (rage, revenge, ravish) is conjunct the U.S. Sibly Moon (the People). Today, transiting Chiron (healing wounds) was exactly sextile transiting and stationing Pluto (transforming).

    All in all these hard-working centaurs are doing their best to lift the level of human development. That’s what my subtler senses are picking up and what triggers my mind’s eye. I thank you Len for bringing your beautiful words to us today that explain the process, and I thank Venus and Mars (and Neptune, Chiron, Pluto, Nessus and Pholus too) for bringing us their powererful message and the magic of their stories. We are all one and we have to do this transforming together to make it happen.

  6. If I close my eyes and imagine venus and mars behind me, where I cannot see them, but where I can feel their vibrations on/in/through me if I try…..this will be me-as-sun this weekend efforting at letting a bit of the planets conversation influence me in a helpful way.

    Thanks, Len. Wonderfully thought-and-action-provoking as always.

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