The Right Thing — Cancer Full Moon

The Cancer Full Moon at 11:52 pm EST tomorrow spotlights how difficult it can be to do the right thing. Fortunately, the astrology surrounding tomorrow’s opposition from the Capricorn Sun to the Full Moon in its home sign also contains some information that will be useful in any difficulties you may face. It has to do with your energy, values, balance and the will to stand in your power. Beyond all that, it means work.

Astrology by Len Wallick

One way or another, it’s likely the new year has found you confronted about the right thing to do. That probable circumstance corresponds to the concurrent configuration of objects occupying cardinal signs on the zodiac circle.

As the Sun enters and moves through a cardinal arena (Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn) a new season begins. Because astrology begins with the Sun (without which there would be no Moon, no planets, no you), any other object or point traversing a cardinal sign may be interpreted as emulating the Sun.

Right now, there are a lot of sign-ruling planets, other significant objects, and prominent postulated points emulating the Sun’s traversal of cardinal Capricorn by also occupying cardinal signs themselves. Hence, the astrology beginning 2014 implies that whatever you are involved in getting underway is inherently important — perhaps more important than you know.

In addition to your recently initiated efforts being implicitly important, the orientation of the cardinal slices of the zodiac pie to each other carries a message of its own.

Every sign of a given quality (cardinal, fixed or mutable) is opposed to another of the same quality and at a right angle (or square) to the other two, which are likewise distinguished. Oppositions and squares have a more discouraging reputation than they deserve, mainly because they correspond to work more than ease.

Everybody appreciates that which is easy, and rightfully so. Work, on the other hand, is among the proverbial four-letter words, but undeservedly so.

Work yields results that no form of ease can provide. That’s because the only certainty in your world is change. With ease comes changes you do not author. With your work, you become a participant in how your world changes.

With the Sun, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto all in cardinal signs with lots of other company to start the year (and, by implication, a new season in your life) it seems as though you have your work cut out for you. On the other hand, there is a correlating indication of how the values you bring to your work, and the energy you put into it, will be returned in spades so long as you are doing the right thing. As a matter of fact, it appears as though the work begins with figuring out what the right thing is.  

The Capricorn combination of the Sun, Pluto and retrograde Venus opposing Jupiter’s retrograde through Cancer implies a dynamic regarding authority (as represented by both the Sun and Jupiter) and your efforts to do the right thing. Among the options of an opposition dynamic is conflict, but that is rarely the only option.

With the Moon joining Jupiter in Cancer today, and waxing towards fullness tomorrow, indications are something is coming to a head. The implied culmination is good news in that your work along the Cancer-Capricorn axis is about to yield results. To get the best possible results, the Moon’s involvement means you will need to feel your way through the next few days in order to do the right thing while employing the best available options.

Because an unrestrained confrontation with authority does not usually end well, it would be useful to consider three other options that are usually available during an opposition across the zodiac. The first is creativity, which (when cardinal signs are involved) requires you to initiate a shared enthusiasm, re-directing the confrontational into creative channels. With retrograde Venus in the mix, review your values and find places where yours match with those of authority. With Pluto involved, the results could be both long lasting and transformational for everybody involved. Yes, it will probably be a lot of work, but also probably worth it.

In the event that common ground cannot be found over the next few days, there are two other options implied by the Full Moon that will allow you to find your way without conflict and still do the right thing, with everything ending well: either negotiation or holding the tension to wait for a better time.

The key to remember about negotiation is that it is made available by participation. The extent you have been participating in efforts initiating with this new year is the extent you will be entitled to negotiate. If confrontation does not look like a way to accomplish the right thing, and if neither creative options nor negotiated settlements seem available, the best option might be that which will be the most work for you, sustained only by astrology’s indication that the results will be worth it.

To do the right thing during the opposition of the cardinal Capricorn Sun to the cardinal Cancer Full Moon, you may have to take on the most challenging option indicated in present circumstances by holding tension through inaction. You may have to wait patiently for the planets (or at least the Moon) to move on, passively employing the only certainty of your life — change — to your advantage. If the other two cardinal signs are any indication, that option will be the most work, and possibly carry the greatest reward of all. 

Squaring the Full Moon axis from Cancer to Capricorn is the axis between the other two cardinal signs, Aries and Libra. In the Aries corner, wearing the electric blue trunks, is galvanizing Uranus — confident and cocky. In the Libra corner, wearing the fiery red trunks (and carrying a chip on its shoulder) is energetic Mars.

That’s a lot of energy. What’s more, as symbolized by the Aries-Libra square to the Full Moon axis, that energy is playing out inside you. The easy news about that situation is that the Cancer Full Moon is yours to win, by doing the right thing. The hard news is that you will need to work diligently on yourself, and maintain the necessary balance to get the right thing done.

It’s about reviewing your values so as to know the right thing in the first place. It means balancing the necessity to stand in the power of your convictions through the winds of change with the necessity of not letting the power of your own energy push you off balance, and into doing the wrong thing.

The situation entails encountering the power of authority with options rather than conflict so that what you have initiated this year will culminate fortunately. Most of all, it will mean work, beginning with work on yourself to manage your energy.

If managed into balance, your energy will get the job done, even if it’s necessary to hold all of the tension, both inside and out, until the only certainty in your life — change — brings the right time and the right thing together. The Full Moon this month really is yours to win, and the astrology is showing you how.

Offered In Service

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

12 thoughts on “The Right Thing — Cancer Full Moon”

  1. Thank you, Len, for this post. It is helping me believe that, for me, right now, “doing nothing” is doing a whole lot of something. :>)
    “There are three conditions which look alike
    Yet differ completely….
    Little Gidding T.S.E.

  2. Oops, didn’t mean to miss you Jere. Thank you, Great Poet for bringing our attention to the brilliant display in the actual sky, and your righteous description of it.

  3. Rob44: It is for me to thank you for your kind appraisal of my service.

    jinspace: Please accept my thanks in return as well.

    be: And all of us are very, very grateful to you for your astute observations of the astrology (in this case the current configuration of Venus and Jupiter relative to each other), and how you cogently extend those observations to human experience, the rest of the zodiac, and beyond.

    Lunesoleil: i love your concise observation of the Full Moon! Beefy it is!

    Chief Niwots Son: You are most welcome.

    aword: We deeply appreciate when you share how your exceptional nativity so often resonates with the mundane astrology. Through your experience, you inform us all.

    strawberry: Thank you. It is truly gratifying to know how my service has resonated with your experience. Congratulations on your own gratifications and explorations through encounters with the powerful.

    Jann: It is for me to be grateful to you for what you have shared of your own generous perception. It gives me great joy to know that my service has supported your motivation.

  4. Hi all, if you have the opportunity to view the sky during the full moon I recommend doing so, it’s a righteous setup… You’ll get Orion flanked to the left by Jupiter, then the Moon. If you look straight below Jupiter, fairly close to the horizon, you’ll find Sirius A B, who has been going crazy for a while now pulsing reds and blues. If you look above and to the right of Orion (low light pollution permitting) you’ll find Pleiades, a faint cluster of lights…

    Take care all,


  5. To Rob44’s comments, I would add coherent, concise, and clear. Brilliant writing, dear Len. I cannot adequately express my gratitude for the motivation your words have provided. With this Full Moon occurring in my fifth and eleventh houses, I can feel the energy. Oh, yes, something is about to come to a head.

    Thank you.


  6. “any other object or point traversing a cardinal sign may be interpreted as emulating the Sun.” And “With ease comes changes you do not author. With your work, you become a participant in how your world changes.”

    Len, you explain things in the most interesting ways.

    I can see several situations in my life right now that are working in tandem to ease me into a divestment of external authorities…and each of them require a different combination of these options. But they all do share the common necessity to manage my own energies. This has been a powerful lunar cycle for me. A new season in my life, indeed. Thank you for such clear delineation of a complicated time.

  7. Len,
    The “holding of tension” is surely prudent advice. Natal Jupiter is square natal Venus so this opposition then, pushes what is normally interior tension out into the world. Good to keep tabs on that.

    Containment can be a useful tool, especially with Uranus transiting long-term over natal Moon/Eris (and trining natal Uranus on the AC). I have been contemplating the idea for awhile now in many ways I naturally go through my life being surprise and/or change to others. That is, I tend to shake up people’s worlds (and my own, but I’m a social creature) without any intention (and often without awareness) of doing so.

    What with transiting Pluto traversing natal Mars, your suggesting to contemplating “holding the tension” and waiting things out seems all the more to be good advice.

    Better maybe to stay alert, aware and ready for come-what-may than to drive the boat head-long into a perfect storm.

  8. “…whatever you are involved in getting underway is inherently important — perhaps more important than you know…”

    Thank you for this all important reminder Len, all action is brimming with meaning and potential.

  9. I third Rob and second jinspace Len, and not only that, this was a lot of fun to read. That means a lot when both benefics, Jupiter (the greater benefic) and Venus (the lesser benefic) are both retrograde (never fun) and opposite one another. But even that makes sense in these times of trying to determine just what the right thing to do actually is. The authority within one’s self can be in conflict with the authority that someone or something else (like church or state) holds. Still, getting started with working on one’s self can provide new perspectives on that conflict which could then facilitate determining just what that right thing is. It is your last option though, biding one’s time or holding the tension that seems most promising of a clear-cut answer.

    Still, all work and no play makes Jack or Jill or John a dull boy or girl, huh? Being too Capricorn’ish could have negative results to one’s health and outlook over time. However, daydreaming could be considered a form of play and Mercury in Aquarius, the sign of daydreaming, might provide a few moments of relief or even (when sextile Uranus later this week) lead to breakthrough perceptions leading to solutions regarding the authority dilemma. Likely, that won’t be my authority, or the other guy’s authority, but some supremely superior authority that makes everything clear as a bell.

  10. Thoughtful, thorough, reasoned, meticulous, and precise. You are the patient watchmaker of astrological interpreters Len. Thank you.

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