The Big Wound Up — Sun Enters Pisces

The Sun joins near-Earth asteroids Eros and Cuno in the first degree of Pisces at 7:01 am EST Monday. The mutable water of Pisces is where the zodiac winds up in both senses of the term. It is like the sea where all rivers end. It’s also analogous to the spring at the heart of an old-fashioned watch.

Astrology by Len Wallick

The initial solar conjunction to Eros and Cuno, and the major stellium further into Pisces, works for both interpretations.

Neptune, Chiron, Mars and Mercury have already wound up in the ultimate sign. That’s a lot of energy in one modality. If the Sun’s ingress does not induce overload (or overflow), its first encounters should provide valuable hints about its remaining time in Pisces.

Cuno will the first encounter, though not by much. It’s not an A-list asteroid for most astrologers, but it winds up on the scene of meaningful solar events more than many of its counterparts of only nominal cachet. 2012 provided two impressive examples.

Named after the blue-collar astronomer who discovered it, Cuno (properly 4183 Cuno) opposed the Sun’s ingress to Cancer last year from the first degree of Capricorn. That opposition marked the first solstice of 2012, and Cuno was holding the place of the second one, which as you recall, didn’t wind up as a dead end for you.

Two months before the Cancer solstice of 2012, asteroid Cuno made its closest approach to Earth until the end of the century on May 20. That was also the day the Moon passed directly between Sun and Earth, beginning an eclipse cycle that would segue directly into a solar transit by Venus on June 5 that nobody then alive will see the like of again.

To have Cuno follow its 2012 track record by winding up at the door of Pisces to meet the Sun next week is unavoidably auspicious. Cuno’s recent symbolic precedents indicate that your life will be something more than ordinary over the next month or so, providing you with the opportunity to wind the watch of life itself. As ever, only you can make opportunity real. 

That impression will be furthered by Pisces’ second solar greeter, asteroid Eros, which implies that the extraordinary nature of the days leading up to the 2013 Aries equinox will have the potential to flow into some liberating experiences. As always, whether that potential is fulfilled depends on you.

Unlike Cuno, Eros does not have a problem with name recognition. As much as some folks try to suppress, oppress or depress the urge to merge, it will not abandon humanity. Freud has been one of the very few to challenge Plato’s assertion that politics is the be-all, end-all of human existence by convincingly pointing to the root of the word erotic. Yet, to this day, Plato’s apologists ruthlessly attempt to cover up not only your body, but the truth that only your beautiful body can tell you. You know where you wind up when the truth is concealed, and it’s not a good place to be.

To have the Sun conjoin Eros just as it enters the deep emotional waters where the zodiac goes to dissolve is the cosmos itself asking you not to abandon what has not abandoned our kind. To have Cuno as part of the connection is emblematic of just how important your answer to the universe will be.

That does not mean you need to participate in an orgy next week. Nor does it mean that you should do something inappropriate for your age or preferences. It does mean that every human consciousness on Earth winds up in a physical body, made of the same stuff as countless bodies that came before yours. Bodies that returned to and dissolved into the vast ocean of life from which your current physical manifestation emerged.

It also means that the solar traverse of Pisces this year is, at long last, time to be conscious of, acknowledge, and reveal this deepest of truths by actually listening to your body. If you can do that — just listen to your body — you will actually be doing something about where life itself winds up. Or at least, you’ll be making a start.

You can do something about where life itself winds up. You can begin by feeling what you are holding, standing, sitting or lying upon. You can continue by seeing what you are looking at, actually tasting what is in your mouth and hearing what is going down around your ears. Once you finally get the scent, you can follow it, and if you do, please don’t think or listen to what others think, as least for a while. Let your body tell you. It doesn’t lie, and that is a good place to be.

Offered In Service      

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

12 thoughts on “The Big Wound Up — Sun Enters Pisces”

  1. Lunesoleil: Thank you for your question. No, it was not my intent to imply that Eros and Cuno have the same interpretation in astrology. My intent was to note that a conjunction represents a merger of separate interpretations.

  2. Thanks Len to have highlighted the Cuno asteride, German was a man politician. The day of its discovery Cuno 29 ° Capricorn in opposition to the cycle Venus March. Cuno would have a link with sexuality? I see this day of 5 June 1959 under a new moon watch…
    If I have understood correctly Eros and Cuno has the same interpretation in astrology? Thanks for your reply !

  3. Guess you can tell I was sleep-writing when I gave incorrect info for the Saturn-Pluto positions of the Solstice. Jeeezz. . . .

  4. Thanks Len. Here is some new insight on the Pope’s resignation. His Saturn (career) at 6+ Sagittarius is the same degree where Venus was in the Winter Solstice chart. She was at that time opposite Jupiter (religion) at 8+ Gemini which was the apex of the yod with Saturn (career) at 8+ Gemini and Pluto (the end) at 8+ Scorpio. His own natal Pluto at 13+ Cancer is only 5 degrees away from being opposed by transiting Pluto! Isn’t that remarkable? I think God told him to retire!

    Not only that, when the Lunar Eclipse in Gemini happened late last November, it was opposite his Saturn at 6+ Sagittarius, so the transiting Sun (consciousness) was conjunct his Saturn. Then on the day when Jupiter stationed direct 18 days ago, it was also opposite his Saturn, as was last Sunday’s New Moon Jupiter. Transiting Jupiter has been in the degree opposite the Pope’s Saturn degree for a full 40 days and 40 nights, as of Monday when the Sun enters into Pisces and transiting Saturn stations retrograde. Talk about a liberating experience! I would imagine he has not been that free, as free as he will be at the end of this month, since he was a little kid. Thought you would want to know this.

  5. be: Thank you for bringing together a comprehensive picture that helps us to get a better grasp on the population of Pisces. i love your characterization of Mars. Loving even more how you connected a rather important (and under publicized) current event with your in-depth knowledge of the Sibly chart. You are indeed a treasure, and you are appreciated in word, as well as in deed.

  6. Chiron was entering Pisces 2 years ago, can’t remember if anyone was there to greet him, but he did sextile the Sun in Taurus ($$, values). He shattered our illusions that day with the Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion in the Gulf of Mexico, and the onslaught of misery that was to follow. Yesterday, a federal judge approved the agreement of Transocean Ltd (Deepwater Horizon) to pay $400 million in criminal penalties that resulted from the Gulf explosion, and this doesn’t include plaintiff actions for damages incurred from that tragedy. So far, Transocean has been shielded from compensatory claims from the spill because of its contract with BP. Yesterday at the time of the judge’s approval, and also in the Sunday New Moon (21 Aquarius) chart, Chiron was square the U.S. Sibly chart’s Uranus at 8 Gemini. Not so long ago, at the time of the Winter Solstice, Jupiter was at 8 Gemini (conjunct US Uranus) where he was at the apex of a yod with the sextile of Saturn (8 Scorpio, shared resources) and Pluto (8 Capricorn) who was uncovering secrets.

    In last Sunday’s New Moon chart, Jupiter (6 Gemini) squared drill-baby-drill Mars (6 Pisces) and sextiled break-through Uranus (6 Aries). Jupiter is still in the same degree he was in when he stationed direct last month and the same degree of the eclipsed Moon in November, 6+ Gemini. The Sabian Symbol for that degree is “A Well With Bucket And Rope Under The Shade of Majestic Trees”, and the Keynote is “Man’s primordial faith in the hidden sustaining power of life [water!] (The degree right before that is Workmen Drilling For Oil!)

    At the time of the disaster on 4/20/10, Jupiter was at 21 Pisces and in the November Lunar Eclipse Pallas-Athene was at 22 Pisces, as she squared her kinfolk and fellow asteroid goddesses, Vesta (invest) in Gemini and Juno (partners) in Sagittarius. Pallas, as goddess of justice, was standing where her father stood in Pisces at the time of the disaster in the Gulf in 2010. Then as now (and in the November Lunar Eclipse), Sedna was at 21-22 Taurus, and was sextile Jupiter at the time of the Gulf disaster, and Pallas at the time of the Lunar Eclipse. Now, last Sunday, the New Moon (21 Aquarius) squared the Moon’s nodes; north at 21 Scorpio and south at 21 Taurus, and conjunct Sedna. It is payback time baby and some few somebodies are getting their clocks cleaned. We’ve reached the sea into which all rivers flow, and all the planets in Pisces, along with Sedna conjunct the South Node, are leveling the playing pool, thanks to Pallas-Athene and her dad.

  7. aword: Thank you for your kind words. It gives me joy to know that my service both connected with you and opened up some new perspective as well.

    be: Thank you for the humorous connection to a cartoon character i had nearly forgotten (or integrated). It is very interesting that the Eros position in its own (1898) discovery chart was conjunct Cuno to the degree at 21/22 Aquarius, but the discoverers of Eros did not see Cuno. Cuno was not spotted until 1959.

    Kelly: Thank you for being so very generous in your appraisal of my writing. It is very edifying to know that my interpretation of the astrology struck a chord for you.

    DivaCarla: It is not my intention to make anybody weep, but i hope the apparent catharsis my words provoked will help you find healing for that sensitive spot. Thank you for sharing your experience with us.

  8. To have the Sun conjoin Eros just as it enters the deep emotional waters where the zodiac goes to dissolve is the cosmos itself asking you not to abandon what has not abandoned our kind. To have Cuno as part of the connection is emblematic of just how important your answer to the universe will be.

    For some reason your report today makes me weep, Len, and this paragraph most of all. Is it the word, and feeling of abandoned? In all its meaning.

    I have not been abandoned. And there are old things I am asked to abandon.

    Left the one billion to themselves, so I could be in silence tonight. Glad I read your first.

  9. Now I ask you did you know, ever so timely, to weave your words so appropriately that the truth lay bare in front of us?
    How How How
    Someone here called you a poet.

  10. Wow, this sounds great Len. Thought at first you were mimicking Elmer Fudd though, and expected to read about a herd of something. .Toro and a bunch of centaurs, and maybe a wascally wabbit or two! Definitely weady, er ready for the opportunity to wind the watch of life at this point. So impressed with little Cuno’s resume’ and thanks for pointing out his allweady auspicious affiliations from last year’s aspect hits. As for having Eros in the greeting party, passion is passion and what better way to greet this extraordinary period in time. No kidding, the body knows!

  11. Once again, globally interesting and personally fascinating, Len. With natal Cuno in Pisces, he is coming back round to roost as he transits my sun.

    As always you point out something to me I hadn’t seen before in my natal chart – natal Cuno at 24 PI caused me to notice just how many 24-ish degree placements I have ’round the natal astro wheel (including Eros conj my writing pseudonym in Capp.)

    As transiting Eros conj natal Merc rounds the bend behind Cuno into PI, I am experiencing expansion (PI transits trining natal Jupiter/Neptune/NN?) of precisely the opportunity for feeling-to-conciousness connection you present to us in today’s writing.

    Thank you Len.

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