Sort It Out In Solar Scorpio

There’s good reason for you to anticipate the Sun entering Scorpio at 2:10 am EDT Wednesday. It may be your next chance to sort everything out.

Astrology by Len Wallick

What remains of solar Libra looks to be like many people born under this sign: characterized by the endeavor to find or make balance.

Given an Aries lunar eclipse, a Scorpio Mercury retrograde station, and two slow, distant objects (1992 QB1 and Makemake) taking rare sign changes all over the next five days or so, balance may be your best objective until solar Scorpio is attained.

What with its undeserved punk reputation, solar Scorpio may seem like an odd time to consolidate your life. It’s not odd at all actually, because Scorpio is a fixed water sign.

When the Sun enters any fixed frequency (Scorpio, Aquarius, Taurus or Leo), the season initiated by the immediately previous solar ingress to a cardinal sign is commonly consolidated. About this time next week, many people in northern temperate latitudes will begin to say “It’s finally autumn.” Simultaneously, for a lot of folks in the southern hemisphere, it will begin to look like spring.

By the same token, while the Sun sails through elemental water (Scorpio, Pisces or Cancer), it’s common to be more conscious of what, and how, you feel.

When one significant event follows another in rapid succession, as the astrology symbolically indicates for the next handful of days, it can be a challenge stay in touch with your feelings. That’s how the advent of solar Scorpio might very well act not only to relieve a metaphorical dry spell but also help you feel more consciously.

Like Scorpio, feelings have acquired an undeservedly bad reputation in many quarters. As result, many repress a significant part of themselves. That repression, in turn, leads to the oppression of many beings who (rightly or wrongly) are associated with a freer and more uninhibited experience — the kind of experience that both complements and transcends linear, rational and objective considerations.

While suppression does not succeed in making the emotional and intuitive part of you go away, it does do the damage of making you less than you are capable of being.

Denying, resisting or fearing elemental water can make everybody less whole, less adaptable and less capable of society. This year, all of us at once have had a chance to make progress with being more rather than less: a grand water trine (Saturn in Scorpio, Neptune in Pisces and Jupiter in Cancer) has combined with three Mercury retrogrades entirely through the same three signs. Hence, among the things for you to sort out during solar Scorpio will be more than just what promises to be an eventful series of days, but also what has taken place so far this year — and what has transpired over many years.

That’s how you should set your intentions now for this time next week. Even as you strive to keep your balance for the short term, fix on the long term. Even if you are too busy staying on your feet to take your eyes off them for long, know that there is a horizon for you to look up to and step towards. Even when you are wondering how to keep it all together, remember that the time will soon come to sort it all out.

It’s not that the solar swim through fixed water will be without its waves. Calm seas will almost certainly not be the rule. What is certain, however, is what you will have been through and how far you will have come. Start sensing your chance to sort all that out next week, once conscious of your ‘sea legs’ and feeling the balance they will bring. When that happens, you will get a better feel for how far you have come — how far we have all come — and feel better for it.

Offered In Service

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

27 thoughts on “Sort It Out In Solar Scorpio”

  1. Thanks for the good wishes, suria (nilou). I live on the south coast of England and it has been mighty rough here lately too, with more to come tomorrow night. Contemplating is a good use for it!
    Happy New Year to you and all PWers.

  2. Great to hear from you, Geoff. I appreciate you explaining it for me. No shortage of wind here. Weather in this part of London has been so bad there’s been nothing better to do than contemplate! I know you went through some difficult times last year, so my best wishes for you for 2014 are especially heartfelt. nilou

  3. Suria – You’re right, I haven’t visited the site for a while, and it seemed almost magical that when I did look in quite by chance just now there was a post from you beginning with my name.
    My point wasn’t really about whether wind was finite or not. The problem with wind farming is that it takes wind energy from one part of the planet and releases it elsewhere. Not a huge problem, perhaps, but it does mean that some parts of the planet will not receive the amount of wind energy which they would otherwise – think wind pollination, bird migration, even rain. All the energy we will ever need can be provided by the Sun.

  4. Geoff – you haven’t been around lately but this has been sitting in my thoughts for a while. It’s not my field of knowledge, but from my understanding of Gaia the earth’s supply of ‘wind’ is not finite. Blesssings.

    Do you know when the mountain goats give birth?
    Do you watch when the doe bears her fawn?
    Do you count the months till they bear?
    Do you know the time they give birth?
    They crouch down and bring forth their young;
    their labor pains are ended.
    Their young thrive and grow strong in the wilds;
    they leave and do not return.

  5. Be, that’s very interesting! My closest friends have mostly been Leo (my AC) and my closest enemies have mostly been Taurean (my MC). The friend/enemy duality means that there were lessons to be learned each time I looked outside myself for “stability”.

    There is a place for both the river and the rocks.

  6. Geoff: Please do not apologize. i am grateful to you and be, and Patty, and everybody else for picking up the ball and running with it. Everybody who has commented has been so generous, so supportive, so be-autiful, as to leave me in deepest gratitude and humbled awe.

    PWOutsider: My own apologies for my spelling error on your name yesterday.

  7. I’ve never felt that wind power is the answer to our energy problems. Taking wind energy from one part of the planet reduces its power somewhere else. How much better to receive energy directly from the Sun.

  8. Len, a quick update mainly because i’m having so much fun! Today i found out, that is to say ‘felt’ that so many of my dreams are not dreams at all! they’re memories!! and then i put them with some of the other memories/nightmares and now i have pile of stuff i shall call ‘resources’ – for example, in the ways i’ve spent my days (modern equivalents here) i have: scholar, hermit, nomad, farmer, nun/monk, parent, husband/wife, teacher, writer, vestal, prostitute, slave, servant, sailor, fish (yes, i know: i think that where my mermaid dreams originate from), dolphin, musician, nomad/musician = minstrel, priest/tess, midwife, herbalist, undertaker, foot soldier, military officer, astrologer(!), builder/architect, librarian. Like i said – this is fun. This is wonderful because it frees up so much space to dream up something completely new and original. I’m sure you’ll agree that even at the metaphorical level this is pretty cool – and looking at the order they came out in – that’s pretty interesting too! Now i’m wondering what I’ve been preparing for, that is, what is the value of these resources over and above enabling karmic resolution? Totally cool, nilou

  9. Patty, I congratulate you on your determination to help the environment despite the extra cost to your utilities bill. All the energy we will ever need on planet Earth pours forth from the Sun, 24/7. The problem is collecting it and protecting the technology that collects it. We must all work towards the day when we are no longer reliant on fossil fuels. Let the dead trees rest in peace, all our future energy needs come from Mother Sun.

  10. You’re more than welcome, be. I’m always impressed with your erudition regarding the imprint of the newly-discovered asteroids on our conscious development.
    Len, my sincere apologies if I’ve cut across other readers’ comments on your article. I’m a Scorpio rising trying to help sort it out. Your words are always most beneficial in that respect.

  11. I shared the link to green energy on my fb page. My power and light company offers it (wind power) for between $1.00 to $4.50 more average on the light bill. It isn’t ideal, but the alternatives have become a source of dread, and this is something I can do.

  12. And Phoenix also Len for its hard-hitting views, I feel very inspired with mercury in Scorpio, the suite on my blog with the latest article published
    Beautiful evening for this lunar eclipse that overlays to my axis full moon Whoa, hence my poem about the double full moon ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. This site says it better:
    It might be a good karmic resolution if the cavalry were to ride to the rescue after first having introduced the Japanese to the destructive power of nuclear energy. I’m assuming, of course, that the technology for dealing with this problem does exist. If not, fingers crossed.

  14. I hadn’t thought about it before reading this Len, but almost all of my best friends over the years have had natal Sun’s in fixed signs. I think I’ve always gravitated to their aura of stability that, as a “needy” Cancerian, provided me a sense of permanence. People who can “get it together” are admirable to those who, like myself, tend to take off in too many directions. My Scorpio friend whose birthday is on Halloween is like that and time spent with her always reigns me in emotionally. I suppose that would count as consolidation wouldn’t it?

    You have also aroused my curiosity about Makemake moving out of Virgo and into Libra. That will put him at the midheaven (MC) of the U.S. Sibly chart, and I’m wondering if that might signify some kind of a save-the-earth iniative the U.S. might take on. Makemake in myth was associated with growth, re-generation and nature in general, especially water.

    Al Gore’s natal Neptune was activated earlier this month by the New Moon (11+ Libra). His Aries Sun is opposite his Neptune and trines the President’s natal Sun. In fact, Gore’s Pluto is conjunct Pres. Obama’s Sun and I believe (because transiting Uranus is conjunct Gore’s Sun and trine the President’s Sun, and was also opposite that New Moon in Libra) it would be an unexpected but welcome addition to the U.S.’s now blemished reputation. Didn’t Makemake’s presence suggest “a feather in one’s cap” according to Phil Sedgwick? Maybe Al Gore’s Pluto could even do some regenerating of Pres. Obama’s Sun in the form of his presidential legacy. Al Gore as Makemake the Bird Man. I can see it!

  15. Lizzy: It is for me to thank you. To paraphrase Ralph Waldo Emerson, to help another person breath easier is to be a success.

    aword: It gives me joy to know my service is useful to you. It is for me to thank you as well.

    P. Sophia: My gratitude to you also, both for your kind words and for what i must call you rhapsody.

    nilou: Please accept thanks for both your generous words and for the inspiration our erudite labors have efficiently uncovered.

    Lunesoliel: Thank you for being the gentle Scorpio and the poetic Scorpio also! In answer to your question, if you do not swim like a fish or pinch like a crab, then you must fly like an eagle because the eagle is an alternative representation of Scorpio.

    PEOutsider: Welcome back among us. My sympathy to the family of the lost life, and my compassion for all in Australia for whom Spring is associated with wild fire. May there be sufficient rain this year to minimize the loss.

    Daniel: Well said. Well done. Thank you.

  16. I was looking for a response Len and you just give me the part. Do you know the Double full moon? es – what I had already shared you my poem, I don’t know. A full moon viewed another full moon, it’s been two full moon

    Double full moon

    You strangely shaping my pen
    A harmony of the absence of foam
    To make room for this full moon duo

    An exceptional moment of Ecstasy
    Or abandonment view original
    Fusional consciousness projector

    Double full moon

    Between birth and the Lunation
    That maintaining the oracle of the Pharaohs
    Or goes our emotions
    Looking for an illusion

    Ideal moment of Ecstasy directed
    Inner world symbolized
    Gentle yet intoxicated

    Forever keep itself
    Sanctify it like a King
    Oh double full moon to you

    ยฉ Lunesoleil

    For decoration and the sharing of a somewhat magical Eclipse? witch? captivating?

    Good Weekend to all ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ + ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

  17. Whoa Scorpions, just know take them to not be bitten, soon my birthday, I not bite, but I not know to swim like a fish in even less pinch like a crab, who am I Len ?

  18. Dear Len, master helmsman, you are a star – a very shiny one. Since there are only a few hours to the commencement of ‘an eventful series of days’ i have set to work! A little time, a little relaxation, a little inspiration, a little research (help from the PW Oracle and library skills…), and the tiniest bit of thinking….

    “If youโ€™re puzzled, look straight at the paradox. Whatโ€™s confusing you is actual information, not the lack of it.”

    Perception is a filter, that’s how it works. From the mass of data that is available through the sense organs it ‘filters out’ sufficient data to make patterns based on the templates (memory experience) that is already there. It’s a natural process; but as I’ve mentioned before it’s only one way of knowing. Taking into account the rationalism of the modernist age and the hemispheric brain imbalance that it is easy to become accustomed to utilising in this culture, it is not surprising to me how easy it is for me to become ‘stuck’ or ‘confused’ or ‘data overloaded’, even when i know that ‘thinking’ or ‘overthinking’ is not going to resolve a paradox. Even though i understand how to ‘arrive’ at a completely different place of knowing, and can choose to do so with relative ease, when i get back ‘it doesn’t make sense’. I’ve heard it said that some things are not supposed to ‘make sense’; but that didn’t make sense either! So what does that all amount to? Well, for the coming whatever-it-is-we’re-calling it, i shall have made an agreement with myself that if i’m crossing the road, or editing a chapter, or having a ‘phone conversation etc. data filtering for perception will be on high; but if i’m not, then whatever is, is: no doing, no not doing; chillin’ and relaxin’; letting the feeling -the inner feeling – body have a bit of space to move around in and have a good stretch, WITHOUT ANY COMMENTARY (or just ignoring what i’m fairly certain will try to demand attention), getting some of that stuff out of my belly for a start; it feels good already. And look at that..i still have time to have an early night. Lots of love, nilou

  19. Len, I don’t know how you do it. Time and time again you make it all so simple to understand and hold. And, then I ask myself the same question. Why do we so often have to see it otherwise? Thank you. You Inspire.

    This is my time, my season. My natal Moon sits on 27 degrees:

    Air is, moving
    cusp water

    It’s a change,
    the Fall.

    Let me concentrate on implementing, letting go
    -if that’s even a thing I can do.

    To the ground it goes.

    Yet, it is time!
    let me reap the harvest.

    In turn to nourish and rebuild.
    I start all over again.

  20. Len, As always you have succinctly outlined, detailed, given essential framework to – and advice about – everything that is “going on” here, with me now, in this world. Calm seas would be welcome, but a next best thing is awareness and strong navigation. Thank you for both of these useful tools as I journey with the waves.

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